If I Miss, I Get to be Captain
Star Trek Voyager
"If I Miss, I Get to be Captain"

by K.N. Senko

Disclaimer:  Paramount and Viacom own the ship and her crew, Steven Curtis Chapman wrote the song; i'm just borrowing it all for a little fun.
"The whole crew is abuzz in anticipation of tonight's quarterly talent show!  This evening's entertainment will include performances by such talents as the Delaney sisters, Naomi Wildman, and Commander Chakotay, to name just a few.  Good morning Voyager and welcome to Briefing with Neelix."

Captain Kathryn Janeway set down her padd in surprise as the music began.  As the title sequence played, Kathryn hit her communicator:

"Janeway to Chakotay, please report to my ready room immediately."

"On my way, Captain."  Moments later, Kathryn's first officer entered her office.  "Yes, Captain?"

"Why didn't you tell me about this?" she turned her viewscreen so he could see the program.

"Captain, Briefing with Neelix is on five days a week."

"Chakotay," she gave him a look of feigned irritation. Chakotay smiled:

"Contrary to whatever beliefs you may have, Kathryn, I don't tell you everything."

"You said that you would never perform on talent night."

"I lied."

"What are you performing?"

"That's for me to know and you to find out."

"Tell me."

"That would ruin everything."

"Not even a hint?"

"You're going to have to wait until tonight to find out."

"You're awful."

"I like to keep you in suspense."

"If you aren't going to even hint about it…"

"Cardassians couldn't drag it out of me."

"Get out of here."

The holodeck was packed.  A new program, designed specifically for the talent show, was about to undergo its shakedown cruise.  The program featured a hall with a stage that occupied the wall facing the entrance to the large room.  The stage's floor was wood, the stage's curtain a deep blue.  The program had been completed with an advanced sound system and a spotlight.

Tonight the room contained a dozen circular tables that were scattered throughout the room.  Designed to fit eight to a table, holograms would serve dinner to almost two thirds of the crew, the rest being detained elsewhere (on duty).  The talent show would be transmitted to consoles throughout the ship so those crewmembers missing out on the excitement could still catch the action, albeit from a distance.

The center of the room was bare, providing room for dancing after the evening's entertainment.  Tom had some equipment set up in front of the stage and was preparing to be the evening's disk jockey.  Neelix was bustling about, trying to solve the usual last-minute dilemmas, and Harry could even be found at a console, trying to fix the spotlight, which seemed to be temporarily on the blitz.

Kathryn scanned the room, wondering where she was going to find a place to sit.  She suddenly noticed a very ecstatic Naomi Wildman waving to her from near the front of the room.  She weaved through the growing crowd, trying to make her way towards the child.  She finally reached her.

"Mom and I saved a seat for you," Naomi took her hand and pulled her to the table Samantha Wildman was already seated at:  front and center.  "Here," Naomi beamed, pulling out a chair.

"You made it, Captain," B'Elanna greeted her as Naomi took her chair between Kathryn and her mother, on Janeway's right.

"Good evening, everyone," Tom seated himself on B'Elanna's left, Kim seating himself on Tom's left:

"Quite a turnout," Harry smiled.

"May I sit here?" a crewmember asked.  Kathryn began to answer:


"No!" burst out everyone else.  Kathryn jumped.

"I mean," B'Elanna stammered…

"These seats are taken," Tom continued.

"Sorry," Harry finished.

"It looks like there's standing room only," Samantha commented as the young man walked off.

"But we have two free seats," Kathryn stated in confusion, indicating the chair on her left.

"Commander Chakotay's sitting there," Naomi answered.

"And Neelix is sitting here," Samantha patted the chair on her right.

The lights suddenly lowered, and the waiters and waitresses began serving as Neelix made his way to the front of the room.  By the time he got to the center of the stage, each table had eight plates that contained several entrees that Neelix must have worked on for hours.

"Good evening, everyone, and welcome to this evening's talent show," Neelix beamed to the crowd below.  "We have several performers tonight, so let's get started…"

The Delaney sisters and several other female crewmembers sang and danced a song from an old earth musical named Brigadoon.  Ensign Baxter had modeled a skit after an old fashioned game show called The Dating Game, playing the part of the host, Mr. Matchmaker.  Both acts were quite hilarious.

Harry and the quickly growing 'Delta Quadrant Symphony Orchestra' performed a lovely piece by Mozart.  As Tuvok finished his condensation of a tale sung with the lute depicting a vulcan on a quest for knowledge, Kathryn even felt tears form in her eyes.  Then Naomi went on stage and recited a poem that she had written.  The talent show was turning out to be a great success, as usual.

Then there was a pause in performances.  Neelix, once again, came out to announce the next performer:

"Ladies and Gentlemen, our last performer is well known by all of you, though he has never performed before.  He asked that I convey to you that his performance this evening is dedicated to one very special woman in the audience.  Please give a loud round of applause to our very own commander, Chakotay!"

The applause seemed thunderous to Kathryn.  She could feel her heart begin to beat faster as her handsome first officer stepped out onto the stage.  The room was instantly silent.  He carried a guitar in one hand, and quietly made his way to the front of the platform.

Chakotay nervously pulled his guitar strap over his head.  He paused, scanning the crowd for a moment.  He swallowed, and then he began to play.  The melody was beautiful:  saddening yet comforting at the same time.  Chakotay strummed a few chords, and then, to her surprise, he began to sing:


"Tomorrow morning if you wake up
And the sun does not appear
I, I will be here
If in the dark we lose sight of love
Hold my hand and have no fear
'Cause I, I will be here

I will be here when you feel like being quiet
When you need to speak your mind, I will listen
And I will be here when the laughter turns to crying
Through the winning, losing, and trying, we'll be together
'Cause I will be here"

The words seemed to speak to her.  Tears were streaming down her cheeks.  And suddenly, she realized, that Chakotay was looking straight at her, eyes locked with her own, as he sang the words:


"Tomorrow morning if you wake up
And the future is unclear
I, I will be here
As sure as seasons are made for change
Our lifetimes are made for these years
So I, I will be here

I will be here, and you can cry on my shoulder
When the mirror tells us we're older, I will hold you
And I will be here to watch you grow in beauty
And tell you all the things you are to me
I will be here

I will be true to the promise I have made
To you and to the One who gave you to me

I will be here
And just as sure as seasons are made for change
Our lifetimes our made for these years
So I, I will be here
We'll be together
'Cause I will be here
I will be here"

As Chakotay strummed the last chord, a hush fell upon the entire room.  There were tears in his eyes as he lifted the strap back over his head.  The crew began to clap.  Chakotay turned and walked backstage.

Kathryn didn't hear Neelix's last words to the audience.  She barely noticed when Samantha and Naomi said goodnight and left.  She didn't realize that Neelix took his plate to another table to eat, that Harry went to find someone to dance with, and that Tom and B'Elanna were dancing.  She didn't perceive that she was completely alone at this table:  until Chakotay stood before her.

He only stood there for a while.  Then he sat down beside her and picked up his fork.  He stared at his plate for a few moments, seeming to contemplate his food, and then set his fork down again.  He, too, seemed to have no words.  Both seemed to simply stare straight ahead, thinking of nothing, for a couple of minutes.

That perception couldn't have been farther from the truth.  Kathryn's heart and mind were racing at a million miles a minute.  She was acutely aware of the man who was seated beside her.  His scent.  His jaw tensing, then relaxing, then tensing again.  Everything that he had been in her life.  Every word that he had just used to express his devotion.  The complete silence.

"Chakotay."  They both turned to face one another; their eyes met.  Chakotay broke the gaze after what seemed like an eternity.  He reached over and took her hand, caressing it with his thumb.  They both stood and made their way to the dance floor.

Kathryn placed her hand on his strong shoulder, and he put his arm around her.  They remained that way for several more minutes, dancing in silence.  Kathryn finally looked up to him:

"It was beautiful."  Chakotay shook his head:

"Not as beautiful as you," he answered.  "I have no way to describe…"

Chakotay stopped and gazed at her, love in his eyes. He leaned down. The world around Kathryn seemed to slow. And then he kissed her gently. Kathryn lay her head on his chest. They danced on, oblivious to the world around them.

"I love you, Kathryn." A pause.

"I love you, Chakotay."

source ~ Area 47 ~ rogue.fire.angel@gmail.com
The title and premise for this fanfic is from Voyager's third season episode, "Coda,"
in which Janeway suggests to Chakotay that, for the next talent show,
"I could stand with an apple on my head and you could phaser it off."
Chakotay then states:  "If I miss, I get to be captain."

"I Will Be Here" is a song written by Steven Curtis Chapman,
and can be found on Sparrow Records albums
More to this Life, The Live Adventure, and Greatest Hits.

Robert Beltran reportedly plays the guitar and sings quite well.