![]() | Lumos Nox Glorifying the Marauders | light the dark swish + flick ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
All of the fans of Harry Potter (especially the Christian ones) really need to get over the Marauders and those lovable bad guys (namely Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape, and Lucius Malfoy). I know, i love the Marauders just as much as anyone else (well, three of them anyway), and i know that Draco, Severus, and Lucius are delightfully slimy and loathsome, but lets get over ourselves already. I'd love to see Draco reform and Severus truly prove himself at last (as well as for him to forgive the Marauders and Harry and vice versa), but Rowling herself has stated that thes latter three simply aren't the element of the story one should be focusing on. I believe that as the series has progressed she has wanted our perceptions of the Marauders to change a little, too (though i know she adores Padfoot and Moony in particular). Here's my issue with the Marauders: their motto is "I solemnly swear I'm up to no good." While at Hogwarts the Marauders were constantly getting into trouble. They became animagi illegally. They were constantly pulling pranks (think Fred and George, only worse). They snuck out of school and endangered the lives of innocent bystanders monthly. They possibly used questionable magic to make a map of the school grounds in order to aid their extracurricular pursuits. Yes, Rowling obviously wants us to love the Marauders unquestionably, this is true. She has a soft spot for troublemakers and those who rebel against authority (even Peeves) but as Harry matures it becomes more obvious that she is saying forgive the Marauders for these actions, love them despite their crooked pasts, but do not emulate them blindly: learn from their mistakes. She has been very careful to set up a specific path for Harry to follow in which he is not rewarded for being a troublemaker that is heedless of rules but instead for displaying courage and love. For example: In the Sorcerer's Stone Harry is not rewarded for accidentally setting a boa constrictor on his cousin Dudley; he is sent to Hogwarts to learn how to control his powers (28-29; 31-34, 51). Harry is not rewarded because he disobeyed Madame Hooch but because he stood up to a bully (145-152). He isn't rewarded for sneaking out at night: they serve detention and Ron spends time in the hospital wing (160-162, 205-214, 240-244) except when he and Ron save Hermione from the troll (173-179) thus gaining a friend (though I'm not sure why Hermione lied about how it happened) and when the Trio goes through the trapdoor to save the Stone. In Chamber of Secrets Harry and Ron aren't rewarded for flying a car into a tree (71-81). Ron isn't rewarded for trying to curse Malfoy... even though his intentions were noble (112-113). The Trio isn't rewarded for brewing the Polyjuice Potion: they don't find anything out at all and Hermione has to spend several weeks in the hospital wing (220-227). Harry and Ron are even almost killed sneaking into the Forbidden Forest to speak with Aragog (271-282) though they do find out some valuable information. Harry and Ron finally save the day by forcing their teacher--Gilderoy Lockhart--to remain true to his word so they can save Ginny Weasley's life (294-298). Harry's actions are only rewarded within a certain set of limits: when he displays "pure nerve and outstanding courage," relies on his friends, and displays love instead of hatred. Harry would most likely argue that all the events in his life are driven by luck, by chance, but as Christians we must realize that there's simply no such thing. Dumbledore wanted Harry to try to save the Stone so he could prove himself (306, 302). Most importantly, Harry learns from his mistakes. K.N. Senko My child, never forget the things I have taught you. Store my commands in your heart, for they will give you a long and satisfying life. Never let loyalty and kindness get away from you! Wear them like a necklace; write them deep within your heart. Then you will find favor with both God and people, and you will gain a good reputation. Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will direct your paths. * Proverbs 3:1-6 (NLT) |
Lumos Nox * source * blue pilgrim (warning: young believer on fire)
Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger,
and all related characters and elements are the property of
J.K. Rowling, Scholastic, and Warner Bros.
last updated
04 * 03 * 07