Lumos Nox - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
light the dark
swish + flick

title + stats
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

784 pages

on the cover
us cover
front ~ Harry standing in what appears to be an open air amphitheater at dawn or sunset, his left hand lifted open palmed, his right hand lowered open palmed; there are the silhouette's of onlookers behind him, and tucked inside his cloak there appears to be something hanging around Harry's neck, a small brown bag perhaps.  Harry is not holding a wand.
back ~ Voldemort is standing beside Harry with his open palms facing up and out, his eyes apparently fixed on the same thing Harry is looking at.  Voldemort is also not holding a wand, and his cloak hides his expression, only providing a glimpse of his red eyes.

uk children's cover
front ~ Ron, Harry, and Hermione are falling through an arch into a bed of jewels and armor.  Harry's left arm has some burns or abrasions on it.  Behind Harry there is a small hand on his shoulder and the head and ear of a House Elf are just visible. The elf (Dobby, i presume, but there are no hats or socks as an indicator) is holding aloft a silver sword with a ruby in the pommel (presumably Gryffindor's sword). (center)  Ron is looking to our left with a look of horror on his face, his right arm and left leg extended as if he is about to fall onto his bum. (left)  Hermione is falling with a look of fear on her face, her arms outstretched to catch her fall and marked with abrasions or burns. (right)
front flap ~ Prongs (bottom)
back ~ Hogwarts glows in the moonlight; it's doors are apparently open because golden light is spilling out onto the grass.
back flap ~ a snake is coiled inside a glass orb or crystal ball.

uk adult cover
front ~ the golden horcrux locket rests on stone, sixty six small emeralds in varying sizes forming the shape of an S... which does not look like a snake.

cover theories and analysis
While my sister points out that it looks like Harry and Voldemort are working together, i deduce that they are at least concerned about or afraid of the same thing, which does not necessarily denote their becoming allies so much as the fact that something besides their hatred for one another is--at the moment portrayed--more pressing.  But neither of them is armed with wands or more conventional weaponry, so how do they hope to stop each other or the thing(s) that is/are threatening their survival?  Neither man seems at all concerned with the figures that are behind them, and they are so alike that one wonders what they are, the most obvious guess being Death Eaters.  On the back of Half Blood Prince the students had faces, these shapes are far less formed.

In addition, something one cannot see when looking at the front cover alone, but is obvious in the entire cover laid out flat, is that there is broken stone and wood in front of Harry.  This entire setting puts me in mind of the room with the veiled arch in the Ministry, which i have always supposed to be a doorway into death.  However that arch is very obviously located indoors, so my guess would be that Voldemort and Harry have passed through the arch.  In this scenario the dark figures would be the dead who are just within.  For Voldemort this would be no great feat i suppose, as he cannot die while any horcruxes remain, and perhaps he would like to bring dead to life in a new way to be his minions.  But Harry would never make a horcrux for himself, it would require him to split his soul in a way that he would never do.  So if this particular theory is correct Harry is most likely already dead because he has followed Voldemort through the veil in order to kill him.  The arch is broken, so presumably no one can pass back into the world of the living, and wands would be useless while already in death, but wandless magic may yet be a possibility.  There is also the question of what Harry has hanging around his neck, a question i have no answers to.  But in conclusion, Harry and Voldemort may be trying to repair the arch to come back to life, or all of this theorizing may be bollocks.

Of the UK covers there is a whole new line of questions.  The locket horcrux is presumably found at some point, and must be found in order for Harry to defeat Voldemort.  As i think we already know where the locket is, i will now dwell on this very long in the present line of theorizing.  The children's cover, however, holds much more in the way of clues.  My biggest question is whether or not Hogwarts is always on the back cover of the books or if it's always different, as i have no way of knowing.  Either way, this seems to indicate that Harry will be back at Hogwarts sometime during the course of the year, perhaps back at school.  What would it take to get Harry back to school, and would living with Ginny every day be condusive to him remaining broken up with her?  I think not, secret liasons seem probable to me, if not public ones.

The biggest question is what room are the Trio falling into and what is the source of their injuries?  Possibilities for this room are the space behind the veil (unlikely, as one cannot take riches with them in death), which would suggest that Ron and Hermione are willing to follow Harry anywhere (and should be on the US cover); the Room of Hiding (in which i have wondered if one of the horcruxes is hidden); a vault at Gringotts (possibly explaining both the jewels and the injuries, as they may have stumbled upon a dragon); a dragon's hoard (somewhat in the same vein as the previous guess); or someplace we have yet to learn about.  The odd thing about the jewels they are falling into is that they are predominately gold with rubies, but there are some that are silver and some with emeralds and other green jewels.

Dobby's presence could occur even without a return to Hogwarts, but why would he have the sword?  Unless he is bringing the sword to Harry so that Voldemort can be defeated with it.  UK cover Harry does not look like Harry to me (i favor Grand Pre's representation), but his expression and attire offer nothing in the way of clues besides the injuries i have previously reported (in other words, there's nothing hanging around his neck on the UK kids' cover).

the Horcruxes
Voldemort ~ Voldemort himself will have to be defeated last of all, because if you try to kill him while any Horcruxes still exist he will still go on, he will flee and you will have to find him again, even if afterwards you destroyed the last Horcrux.  If one could keep him captured he may be easier to destroy in a dead form... he can't fight back, but i still believe that any encounter with Voldemort will be the final one, that all of the Horcruxes must be dealt with first.

the Diary ~ Already handily destroyed by Harry via Basilisk fang.  This suggests that Harry can destroy a horcrux without it negatively affecting him, as opposed to when Dumbledore found Marvalo's ring.  The question has been posed by others, however, that a piece of Tom's soul now lies within Ginny, making her, in effect, another Horcrux.  "But there could be no doubt that Riddle really wanted that diary read, wanted the piece of his soul to inhabit or possess somebody else, so that Slytherin's monster would be unleashed again" (HBP 501).  i do not like such lines of reasoning as i want Harry and Ginny to live happily ever after.

Marvolo's Ring ~ We never got to hear the story of how Dumbledore recovered the cursed Ring that whithered Dumbledore's hand (we know that Dumbledore found it in the Gaunt's shack, but not how events unfolded).  The question is if Snape knows about the Horcruxes and if he has told Voldemort know that Dumbledore knows about them.  If such is the case then it may be a race for Harry to find them all before Voldemort has recovered and rehidden them all (and Harry does not even know where to look for them), or Voldemort may decide to make even more.

the Locket ~ This, i believe, will be the easiest Horcrux for Harry to find, if he will only think of it.  I believe it is the "heavy locket that none of them could open" (OotP 116), found while cleaning the House of Black, and i believe that Kreacher has it hidden in his stash.  R.A.B. seems to clearly be one Regulus Alphard Black, Sirius' younger brother who was killed by Voldemort himself.  Once again, the question is whether he was killed because he was trying to leave the Death Eaters or if Voldemort knew that he had stolen the locket.

Hufflepuff's Cup ~ Where would Voldemort hide a small cup with two handles?  And what sort of powers might the cup possess?  Dumbledore says that Tom vanished after he took the Cup and Locket, that no one knew where he had gone, but when Voldemort returns ten years later Dumbledore says that he has heard rumors about where Tom has been and what he has done.  Judging by Voldemort's appearance when he asks Dumbledore for the job, Tom had probably already made the first few Hurcruxes from the Ring, the Cup, the Locket, and possibly even the Diary.  Harry is at a serious disadvantage because he cannot retrace Voldemort's steps or even begin to guess where Voldemort has been, quite unlike Dumbledore could.  He left the Diary with Malfoy, but who would Voldemort have entrusted the Cup to?  Bellatrix, Snape, or some other Death Eater?  Or has Voldemort hidden it somewhere as he hid the Ring and Locket?  Harry must discover the answers to these questions if he is to defeat Voldemort.

Nagini ~ That Nagini is a Horcrux seems rather obvious when one remembers that Voldemort and Harry were inside her mind when Nagini attacked Arthur at the Ministry.  The snake is most like kept near to Voldemort at all times, and is probably the thing that he loves the most in this world.  Her death may be the last step to destroying the Horcruxes as killing her will most likely put Harry in close proximity to the Dark Lord and his wrath.

the Unknown Horcrux ~ What was it that Voldemort took with him to turn into a Horcrux when he went to kill Harry?  Did he make the Horcrux from James' death, or Lily's, before he killed Harry?  Or did he hope to use Harry's death as the final cut?  Visiting Godric's Hollow is important for Harry to do because one or two Horcruxes may be in the ruins, something of Gryffindor's or Ravenclaw's.  I do not understand why Dumbledore said that only one artifact of Gryffindor's remained, safely in his office, and then gestured to the sword, because the Sorting Hat was Gryffindor's, and at the time the Horcruxes were being created the Sword had not been pulled from the Hat yet.  Another question is if Tom was allowed to wander Hogwarts Castle before or after the interview in the hopes of visiting the Chamber of Secrets or Hiding Room of Requirement:  he may have hidden or retrieved something at either location, not having to search for additional potential Horcruxes at all.   What could be a safer hiding place than Hogwarts itself?  Of course, Voldemort may have made the Diary because he was not allowed to return to the school and because he intended to reopen the Chamber.  The biggest question is what the final Horcrux is.

Re: The Ultimate Deathly Hallows Predictions Exam
Will Ron live? = No
How could i say such a thing? To be perfectly honest i don't think that any member of the Trio will die, but if i had to choose one of the three, i would say Ron, so i clicked no.

Will Snape live? = No
Is Snape loyal to Dumbledore and the Order? = No
Did Dumbledore tell anyone why he trusted Snape? = No
Was Snape in love with Lily? = Yes
i cannot decide whether Snape is a good guy or a bad guy... but i must admit (unfortunately) that i'm leaning towards bad guy (so sorry Chubaunt!). i will not be surprised if Rowling writes Deathly Hallows in either direction, there is a lot boiling underneath the surface of Snape that we simply do not know about. i definitely think he loved Lily, which to me has long been the only reason that would make sense about him regretting informing Voldemort about the Prophecy. i have no idea what he could have told Dumbledore in order to earn his trust, and i don't think anyone else knows either, particularly because McGonagall doesn't. But i would almost put money on the certainty that Snape will die in book 7, particularly if he turns out to be a good guy. If he's good, he's going to have to give the ultimate sacrifice in order to redeem himself. It would be utterly ironic if he redeems himself by shielding Harry from Voldemort, giving our boy hero just long enough to defeat the ultimate baddy. But i'm thinking that Harry might kill him even if he doesn't sacrifice himself, in which case we may never truly know the truth about Snape and will be debating this for all time.

Will Percy return to his family and realize the error of his ways? = No
i just don't think that it's in the foreshadowing. i am too Weasley to forgive him easily, i must admit.

Who was the "awful boy" Petunia referred to in book 5? = Sirius
i have no idea what they're referring to, i need to look it up in my trusty copy of OotP, but Sirius seemed the most likely of their proferred choices. i'll get back to this...

Will love play a part in Harry conquering Voldemort as opposed to him using an Avada Kedavra? = yes
definitely. Dumbledore made this clear, we just have to figure out what that means exactly, and i believe that Rowling will oblige and that it's probably staring us in the face.

Will we/Harry learn more about love in the Department of Mysteries? = Yes
i'm really leaning more towards maybe, but if my theories about the cover depicting what is behind the Veil are true, then definitely yes. This may also have to do with the previous question.

Will Harry sacrifice himself because of love/friendship? = Yes
Harry is already sacrificing things like love and friendship for their sake. i know, the way they word is it will he die for someone else, and of course the answer is maybe, if he dies, this will be how, but i don't want Harry to die!

Will Harry tell someone he loves them in book 7? = Yes
Hermione and Ron are natural choices for this, in a platonic love sort of way, but he better tell Ginny that he loves her, or i will be severely put out.

Will Neville find love? = No
Sorry, Nev, i love ya, but i just don't think there will be room for it in the book. i do predict that the Rescue Party formed in OotP will be reunited, however.

Will Ron and Hermione get married? = Yes
Will Harry and Ginny get married? = Yes
If we find out anything about what happens to the Trio after Voldemort's defeat, than definitely. Even if Rowling does not specify this in canon, shippers will be writing about these four for years to come. Of course the four of them will be family forever.

Will Tonks and Lupin get married? = Yes
Maybe not, i just am rooting for them is all.

Did Dumbledore have a spouse? = Yes
i really have no reason for believing this other than the fact that he seems like the marrying kind. In canon it certainly doesn't seem to be the case, and there is a bit of the Dumbledore/McGonagall shipper in me, but for purposes of fanfic, i say yes.

Are Pince and Filch a couple? = Yes
i have no idea, but they deserve each other: grumpy retards.

Will we learn about the little witch or wizarding babies that the trio might have? = Yes
Some of these questions better deserve a maybe, but see the questions about Harry/Ginny and Ron/Hermione marriages above.

Will we see any new ships? = Yes
Maybe. Who knows?

Will Hogwarts reopen? = Yes
This is rather a 50/50 proposition: i think that Rowling wants us to think that it will, but if it does i think that Harry may be forced to return to it by Moony and the Weasleys. Maybe it won't reopen, in which case Ginny may try to follow the Trio.  i can't make up my mind, once again, but it will definitely reopen eventually, even if it's not in book 7.

Is there a Horcrux hidden in Hogwarts? = Yes
...That's why Voldemort wanted to become a Hogwart's teach, so he could recover it. Don't you know? It's the tarnished tiara in the Room of Requirement's Hiding incarnation, underneath which is stowed the Half-Blood Prince's Potions textbook.
Okay, this is only a maybe, but that's a possible theory that i'm not at all certain that Rowling will decide to use, it was just so obvious and amusing that i had to mention it.

Will Harry return to Hogwarts as a student? = Yes
Even if he doesn't return in book 7, i think that there's a very real possibility that he would return after Voldemort's defeat in order to finish his education.

Will Voldemort try to take over Hogwarts? = Yes
I'm not sure, this is another maybe, but i do think that he'd definitely be tempted to try to discover it's secrets, not keeping it open as a school, mind you, and it's too obvious as a HQ, but he feels its pull.

Will the Hogwarts ghosts play a role in the war against Voldemort? = Yes
i still think that the Grey Lady is Ravenclaw.

Have the Hogwarts founders created a secret room in Hogwarts (like the Chamber of Secrets)? = Yes
Duh, it's the Room of Requirement; need i say more?

daniel radcliffe * rupert grint * emma watson
Lumos Nox * source * on fire

Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger,
and all related characters and elements are the property of
J.K. Rowling, Scholastic, and Warner Bros.

last updated
04 * 24 * 07