9 Days, Day 1
Star Trek Voyager
"9 Days"

by K.N. Senko

Disclaimer:  Paramount and Viacom own Star Trek (oh the pain, the pain):  they would never inflict this kind of pain on Captain Janeway and her crew.
Day One

Kathryn Janeway awoke slowly.  It took a few moments for her eyes to adjust to the dim lighting and then a few additional seconds for her to realize that she was not in her quarters aboard Voyager.

She sat up with a jump.  The dark room was obviously a prison cell.  A single skylight gave the only light, indicating that it was early morning outside the building.

Years of starfleet training instantly threw Kathryn's senses into the alert mode.  Kathryn stood swiftly, assessing the situation.  A quick glance at the ceiling's height of about four meters determined that the barred window to the outside world was not a viable route of escape.  Kathryn turned to the thick door on the opposite side of the room:  but it was too heavy for her to force open.  An investigation of the bulkhead didn't even reveal a command junction or access panel.

No, that would have been too easy.  Whoever had locked her in wanted her to stay in.  She didn't know where she was, but one thing was perfectly clear:  the natives weren't particularly friendly.  Future comrades don't usually take prisoners before even being properly introduced.

Kathryn began to pace with a sigh.  Suddenly, she heard a sound:  she froze, falling silent, listening.  That was when she realized that she could hear someone breathing.

She was instantly acutely aware of the sound.  Once she noticed it, she could hear it quite clearly; there weren't any other noises to mask its obtrusion in the darkness.  Kathryn cautiously walked towards the cell's darkest corner, wondering who or what it could be.

It took a few more moments for her eyes to adjust to the dimmer lighting, but she could make out the still form of someone sleeping.  Their back was turned toward her, but she recognized him instantly.  Kathryn kneeled beside him, calling his name:

"Chakotay."  She placed her hand on his shoulder.  Her first officer jumped at her touch:

"Captain?" he looked around, confused.  "Where are we?"

"I haven't the slightest idea," she answered.  "Last night I fell asleep on Voyager, this morning I woke up here.  I have yet to see any sign or our captors."

Kathryn could feel Chakotay's eyes upon her.  She turned, only to find that he was staring at her.  It was at that instant that she realized what she was wearing.

She had forgotten the cold in the excitement of the moment, but with Chakotay's gaze now upon her, she became acutely aware of the fact she was clad solely in the silk nightgown she had slipped into the night before.  Suddenly, the room seemed very cold.  Kathryn crossed her arms across her chest, rubbing her hands up and down her arms for warmth.

Chakotay looked away, his face reddening.  He stood and approached their only exit to the outside world.  At that moment, Kathryn froze, realizing what he was wearing for the first time.  He, too, was dressed for bed, and wore only a pair of grey flannel pants.  As Chakotay turned back toward her, she tried in vain not to stare at his smooth strong chest:

"I wonder how long we've been here," he remarked.

She could tell that he was trying to gracefully deal with this situation that obviously couldn't be helped.  Yes, Chakotay, always the gentleman, wouldn't have mentioned it.  He seemed oblivious to her stare, but Kathryn still felt her cheeks reddening as she forced herself to look away.

He continued:  "Are we the only crewmembers here, or are there others?"

Suddenly, the doors opened, allowing light into the room.  Kathryn stood to see who had revealed the outside world when Chakotay stepped in front of her:  his subconscious way to try to shield her from the intruder.  She always felt touched--yet annoyed at the same time--when he did this.  She stepped past him and confronted the armed invader:

"Why have you brought us here?"  The alien stared at her, not uttering a word.  He simply placed a bundle on the floor, stood, and took a step backwards, allowing the doors to close after him.  Once again, Chakotay and Kathryn were sealed in with the darkness.

Chakotay turned and sat on the raised slab of concrete that served as the room's only bed (if one could call it that).  Kathryn kneeled to pick up the bundle.

"Now what?" Chakotay vented.  "Are we just supposed to sit here?"  Kathryn sat down beside Chakotay:

"I hope not," she answered as she began to unfold what appeared to be clothing.  "I'm not about to take this without a fight."

They sat in silence a few more moments:

"I'd like to apologize, Captain; my behavior back there was inappropriate."

"What behavior?  The way you tried to protect me?"

"When that alien came in here..." he hesitated:  "It won't happen again, Captain."  Kathryn placed her hand on his arm:

"There is nothing wrong with what you did, Chakotay."

"You can take care of yourself, and I should respect that."

"No, Chakotay," Kathryn stated softly:  "I am strong only because I have to be:  because I am the captain.  Your concern for my well being is one of the things I love about you..." She fell silent at what she had said, then tried to explain:  "I have always appreciated how you take the time to make sure that I can go on, because no matter how much I try to make you or the crew think I am, I am not invincible.  Your support has been invaluable; I could not have come this far without you."  She paused:  "Please don't stop now, Chakotay."

Chakotay nodded for a moment, then reached over and gave her arm a squeeze.  Kathryn smiled her thanks and then turned away, not being able to do anything except wonder why she had just shared that with him.  Maybe it was because she was so uncertain about what lie ahead.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Chakotay had always thought that Kathryn looked stunning in white, and today was no exception, despite the fact that they were imprisoned.  They had found that the alien had brought them clothing and a blanket, something that was happily accepted (most likely on both their parts).  Chakotay had been beginning to find it increasingly difficult to not stare at Kathryn.

The cell doors had opened after they had changed, and a computer instructed them on how to proceed to some unknown destination.  He still didn't have any idea what was going on, but it was better than just sitting there.

Other members of the crew were falling into step behind Kathryn and Chakotay.  Everyone appeared to be dressed exactly as their Captain or Commander, according to their respective sex.  Kathryn led the way.

Suddenly, they all entered a large enclosed courtyard, and the instructions from the computer ceased.  Light streamed in various skylights.  People were congregated in groups:  some seated on couches, some standing.  Harry and a group of men were already there, and the Ensign approached them solemnly:

"I'm sorry, Captain," he started.  "They decloaked in front of us, and before I had a chance to react, we all lost consciousness."  Kathryn laid her hand on his arm:

"It's alright, Harry," Kathryn consoled him.  "There's nothing you could have done, apparently."  Tuvok approached the trio:

"Captain," Tuvok looked from Harry's clothing to Chakotay's.

"What is it, Tuvok?"

"The clothes that we have been given," he answered.  "All the men who followed you are wearing grey.  Ensign Kim and myself, however, are clad entirely in brown.  Also, some women are in purple, while others such as yourself are wearing white."

Chakotay scanned the rest of the crew, realizing that what Tuvok was saying was true.  Suddenly he noticed something new:

"Captain."  Kathryn's gaze followed his.

Several aliens that were holding weapons were taking positions around the room's perimeter.  The crew fell silent as all eyes turned to them and to the man who was stopping at the front of the room:

"Attention, Voyager crew," the alien began.  "My name is Esod:  I am director of this facility and will be your host during your stay."  Chakotay watched Kathryn step toward the front of the room.  He ignored the impulse to try and stop her and the fact that his heart suddenly started beating faster.

"Why are we here?" Kathryn asked.

"Ah, yes, Voyager's captain," Esod smiled.  "If you ask me, women should not be commanding starships, or even on them, for that matter, but that would make this little adventure impossible, now, wouldn't it?"

"As a matter of fact, I didn't ask you about your views of women in positions of authority," she answered.  "What I asked is why you brought my crew here."

"Yes, well, you will find that out soon enough," Esod waved to a guard.  The second alien stepped forward and took Kathryn's arm roughly, leading her toward Chakotay.  He shoved her into Chakotay's arms:

"I would advise you to take care of your woman, human," the guard said in disdain.

"My woman?" Chakotay asked, but the guard made no reply as he returned to his post.  Chakotay looked to Kathryn to see if she was alright.  She shook her head to indicate that she hadn't been hurt.

"Now," Esod continued:  "Each of you has already undergone biometric and psychological assessments.  Before we do anything else, you will all eat:  then you will all separate into your respective groups.

"If you are wearing purple or brown, you will be leaving this place.  If you are wearing white or grey, you will be staying here for a matter of days.  If you cooperate, you will be treated well.  If you resist, things will not go well for you in this place.  Any questions?"

Kathryn was about to step forward, but this time Chakotay held her back.  Kathryn glared at him, but didn't break the silence.

"Good," Esod concluded.  He turned on his heel and left.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Kathryn ate slowly, her eyes sweeping the room methodically.  All crewmembers had been accounted for.  There were about twenty guards watching them.  Not many, yet what would happen if they rushed them?  She didn't know if their weapons were on stun or kill, and she wasn't about to risk it.

"We aren't just going to sit here, are we Captain?" B'Elanna asked.  "I mean, we've got to do something."

"What do you suggest Lieutenant?" Tuvok, calm as always, asked.

"Anything but just sitting here," she answered.

"Any retaliation at this time would not be wise."

"He's right, B'Elanna," Tom answered.  "We have no idea what we're up against."

"On the other hand, we have a better chance once we're reunited," Chakotay stated.  Kathryn considered her first officer's words as the conversation between the members of her senior staff continued.

She was still irritated by what he had done in the courtyard, and she wasn't about to let it pass.  She would have to find some time to talk to her first officer.

"Remain the pretense that we're pacifists now, and act later," Harry confirmed Chakotay's statement.  "We'll take them by surprise when they think we won't confront them."

"We will need to work together," Seven put in.  "Coordinate our efforts without attracting attention."

"We'll discuss this in more detail when we're reunited," Kathryn stepped in, "until then, everyone will have to cooperate with their wishes, as long as it isn't anything too absurd of self-damaging.  Make sure the rest of the crew knows.  I also want all of you to keep you eyes and ears open:  see what their weaknesses are, anything that might help us escape."

"At least their food is nourishing."  All eyes were on Neelix.  He blushed:  "Just an observation.  We'll need to keep up our strength in order to escape.  But Captain, are you sure that escape is wise?  They haven't harmed us..."

"Neelix, I would like to make one thing very clear," Kathryn answered:  "we have been captured against our will for unknown reasons.  That is an unacceptable situation, whether these aliens appear to be hostile or not, and I'm not about to take it sitting down.  Understood?"

"Understood, Captain," Neelix was the first to voice their reply.  Everyone else's voice chorused after his.  Janeway scanned each senior staff member's face, then nodded:


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Purple and brown groups, report to the courtyard immediately."  Man, that computer's voice was irritating.

Chakotay scanned the room again.  He could see Tom and B'Elanna talking in one corner.  Seven following Neelix, Naomi, and Samantha out of the room.  Tuvok and Harry right behind them, most likely discussing the situation.

"Commander:"  Chakotay turned at the sound of his Captain's voice.  He pushed through the stream of people:

"All crewmembers have been notified of your orders," he glanced back toward the crowd.  "The purple and brown groups are departing."

"Commander, we need to talk," Kathryn stated, irritation in her voice.

"Captain?"  She pulled him away from the crew to a less crowded corner:

"What you did back there was out of line."

"What, suggesting that we wait to regroup before attempting to escape?"

"That's not what I mean, and you know it."  Chakotay stared at her for a few seconds:

"I guess that I don't know what you mean," he answered, crossing his arms:  "Please, enlighten me."

"When you held me back in the courtyard, that was..."

"A necessary precaution," he could tell that she was seething at his words:  "You said yourself that you appreciate my caution and concern for your well being.  That guard had already threatened you..."

"Commander, I am not your woman."  It was at that moment that it suddenly dawned on him:

"Captain, I would never intentionally act inappropriately toward you; I respect your decision that our relationship should remain professional.  In my mind, my concern was for the crew."

"Was it?"

"Does it matter?" he inwardly knew that it hadn't only been professional concern:

"In my opinion, yes."

"Captain, this crew needs you.  I don't want to think about what could have happened if I hadn't stopped you," he paused.  "I am not willing to risk your life."  Kathryn looked away, contemplating his words:

"Something tells me that you and I are going to be spending a lot of time together, Chakotay," she said softly.  "I'm sorry if I misjudged you."  Chakotay smiled:

"Apology accepted."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Kathryn and Chakotay once again led their group to the courtyard.  The place looked exactly the same as it had two hours ago, except for the fact that the sun was lower in the sky.  These people seemed to appreciate natural lighting.

Esod was here again.  He wasn't particularly ugly, but his expression sure was sour, and he was extremely condescending.  His pale skin was accented by the black uniform he wore.  He looked completely human, except for a long narrow snout about six inches in length.  It almost looked like a horse's nose.  Of course, it wasn't hairy, and his nostrils were far from large, but he still looked rather comical.

"Welcome back to the courtyard," he began.  "I'm sure that all of you have questions that you would like answered, so I am going to try and answer some of them so you won't feel the need to ask.

"Firstly, I want to assure you that we mean you no harm; this is simply how we learn about other lifeforms.  We will observe you here for several days, and then let you join the rest of your crew.

"While you are here for the next few days, you will mostly have free reign of the courtyard, cafeteria, gym, and your rooms.  At night, you will be expected to stay in your cells, and we will lock the doors for your own privacy.  During the day, we may ask you to come to a certain area.  This is only to aid in your comfort and in our understanding of your species.

"It's been a long day.  You may now do whatever you wish until dark.  Then I would appreciate if you would return to your quarters.  If you don't remember how to get there, please feel free to ask the analytical mainframe unit.  The AMU will also regulate the heat in your quarters.  If you are uncomfortable, please ask it to adjust the temperature.  Good night."

"They try and make it sound so reasonable," Tom commented.  B'Elanna snorted:

"Yah, well, I don't believe any of it."

"Just don't go and break anyone's nose, B'Elanna," Kathryn answered.  "We may have to be here a while."

"Understood, Captain, but with all due respect:  that doesn't mean I have to like it.  Come on, Tom."

"Excuse me," Esod interrupted.  "Captain Janeway, I would appreciate it if you would come with me."

"I thought that we were allowed to go anywhere we liked right now," Kathryn replied.

"Yes, so did I, but my superiors are in a hurry to begin their study.  They would like you to come with me to be studied first."

"What about me?" Chakotay stepped in.

"Well, Commander, your services won't be needed for several hours.  I would appreciate it, however, if you would return to your quarters so we will not have to search for you when you're needed."

"Captain?"  She could see the question in his eyes:

"I'll be fine, Commander," she answered.  "I'll see you later."  She followed the alien into a corridor.  They walked in silence for several minutes, past the doorway that led to the mess hall, past an exercise room, and then into a large room.

It reminded her of the Caretaker's examination room.  It wasn't half as large, but it was still frightening.  They walked between the two rows of biobeds toward the end of the room.  It appeared to be capable of holding around thirty people at once.

"I noticed that you are very formal when you address your executive officer," Esod noted.

"Is that unusual in your society?"

"No, not at all," he replied:  "except when the relationship is such as yours and Commander Chakotay's."

"I don't know what you mean."  They both stopped walking, having reached the end of the room.  The doors to another smaller room opened, and Esod indicated that he wished for her to go first:

"Oh, we're very careful when we choose groups.  I assure you that we know more about you already than you could possibly imagine."

"I wouldn't doubt it."

The room held a single biobed.  It was white, just like the rest of the entire building (except for the dark grey of their 'quarters').  Kathryn wondered how they kept the building so clean.

"This is the examination room.  Doctor Talitha should be here soon.  After she examines you, you will be free to return to your quarters."

"Thanks," she tried not to sound too sarcastic.

"I hope that we meet again."  Esod left the room, a smirk on his face.  Kathryn didn't like him:  too sure of himself.  She hoped that it would turn out to be his weakness.

Kathryn jumped when she heard the door open again.  A woman entered the room.  Kathryn suddenly realized that this was the first female alien she had seen.  The woman looked different than the males did:  more delicate.  Her snout was shorter and more rounded.  She looked less severe, almost gentle.  That surprised Kathryn.

"My name is Doctor Talitha," the woman shook her hand.  "Please, have a seat on the biobed."  Polite, yet not overly so.  Kathryn complied.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Chakotay stared at his hands.  He heard footsteps; they passed.  He stood and began to pace.  She had been gone for a long time.  It would be dark in a few hours.

There were more footsteps.  The doors opened, allowing two men into the room.  They dragged Kathryn between them.  A woman followed close behind.

The men dropped Kathryn on the floor none too gently.

"Watch what you're doing, fools!" the woman reprimanded.  The men turned and left without a word.  The woman looked to Chakotay:

"Help me," they lifted Kathryn and sat her down on the bed.  "She is very strong," the woman checked Kathryn's pulse:  "but these barbarians treat the alien women without respect."

"What did she do to deserve any of this?" Chakotay asked softly.  The woman seemed surprised.  She shook her head:

"Nothing."  She stood and turned to face him, her voice taking a new severity:  "I am Doctor Talitha. I have been ordered to inform you that though your Captain appears to be ill, she is only unconscious.  When she wakes, she will desire copulation.  If you value her life, you will reciprocate her desire.  If her condition worsens, ask the AMU to inform me."  The woman turned and left.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Kathryn's eyes fluttered open.  It was only the second time that she had awoke in this place, and she already didn't like the sensations it inflicted upon her.  Her back ached, the room was spinning, and her skin felt clammy.  The room eventually slowed, but she still didn't feel so hot.

"Kathryn," a face danced in front of her.

"Chakotay?" she tried to sit up.  He had to help her, and it still made her dizzy.  "How did I get here?"

"A doctor and two guards brought you here," he answered.  "Do you remember anything?"  She shook her head:

"She was scanning me, then ejected me with something.  That's when I lost consciousness."  She tried to stop shivering:

"Cold?"  Kathryn nodded vehemently.  Chakotay leaned toward her and wrapped her in the blanket.  He had to put his arms around her to reach.  He was so close.  His lips were so perfect.  Kathryn wondered what they would feel like on her own.

It seemed like an eternity before he allowed his eyes to meet her own.   So very close:  she leaned forward slowly and kissed him timidly.  Time slowed and the world faded; it was only her and Chakotay.  But then he pulled away.  He seemed to hesitate, searching her eyes for permission:  and then he leaned forward and kissed her back.

The rest was a blur.  He kissed her passionately; she responded with equal fervor.  They were both trying to get closer to each other.  She whispered his name as he kissed her neck.  She pulled him down onto the bed.  He came willingly, his hands holding her, his lips drinking of her own.  But then he pulled away again:


"I can't," he stood:  "not like this."  Kathryn sat up as he started to pace:

"You can't?  Or you won't?"

"You don't understand:  she said you would want this."

"I do, Chakotay."

"No, you don't."

"You don't think I know what I want?" she demanded.

"You would never let this happen on Voyager."

"You don't know that."

"Yes, I do, and so do you."

"But..."  Chakotay sat down beside her:

"Kathryn, they've done something to you, and I can't take advantage of that.  You would never forgive me, and I love you too much to hurt you like that."

She turned away from him, considering his words:

"You're right," she resolved.  Oh, how she wished he weren't, but he was.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The darkness encompassed him, but it did not shut out the thoughts that were racing through his mind.  It was still early, 1900 at the latest, but all he wanted was sleep.  Sleep so he would be oblivious to the woman that lay only a meter away.

He would finally be falling asleep, when something would wake him again.  A guard in the corridor.  Kathryn changing position.  Familiar voices of crewmembers outside the door.  His own body finally giving in, but for some reason not letting itself.


His head shot up again.  He hadn't realized that she was awake.  She called his name again.  He practically leapt from the cool floor, taking her hand as he reached her side:

"What is it, Kathryn?" he asked gently.

"I can't sleep," her voice sounded weak.  He wrapped the blanket tighter around her, and suddenly realized that she was sweating:

"How do you feel?"

"Cold," she answered.  "Very cold."  Chakotay felt her forehead:

"You've got a fever."

"I'll be fine."

"Kathryn," he hesitated:  "it isn't too late..."

"No, Chakotay," she stopped him.  "You know that more than anyone..." she didn't finish the thought.  "But, Chakotay, I was wondering..." she hesitated.


"Would you sleep with me?"


"I mean, will you sleep up here beside me... where I can touch you?"  Chakotay suddenly realized that what Kathryn was saying was that she wanted to be near him, to feel him lying beside her:

"Are you sure?"

"I trust you, Chakotay."


Kathryn made room for Chakotay as he lay down beside her.  He rigidly slipped under the blankets, trying not to jump at her presence.

She slid toward him, and laid her hand on his chest.  She didn't speak, but Chakotay knew what she was trying to say; she was asking permission to touch him.  She wanted to lean against him, and actually be reassured by his closeness during the night, to know that he was there and was going to stay with her.

That was what allowed Chakotay to relax.  She wasn't demanding, she was asking.  He opened his arms to her, and she moved closer, placing her head on his shoulder and chest.  Chakotay wrapped his arm around her.  It was strangely soothing; suprisingly, it was not sexual at all, but comforting.

He couldn't count the number of times that he had imagined being in situations like this.  It was a dream come true.  He could feel Kathryn's heart beat against his own, her breathing slow as she drifted off to sleep.

He wished that all of this were already over.  He never wanted to allow these aliens to hurt Kathryn again.  He would die first.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

He wasn't sure why he had woken.  Maybe it was because he couldn't feel her heartbeat anymore.  Maybe it was because she didn't seem to be breathing.  Whatever it was, it wrenched him awake.

He looked to Kathryn, who still slept in his arms.  It was difficult to see her face in the darkness, but he knew her so well that he didn't need to see:  something was wrong.  Something was very wrong.  He almost jumped out of bed, careful not to hurt Kathryn as he did.

"Kathryn."  There was no reply.  "Kathryn!"

He checked for a pulse:  it seemed so weak.

"Computer," he received no response.  What had Esod called the computer?  "AMU, medical emergency."

This time, the computer beeped a response:

*Doctor Talitha has been notified.*

"It's alright, Kathryn," he brushed her wet, matted hair out of her face:  "Help is on the way."  He glanced toward the door.  He fought the dread that was welling up inside his chest.  "Hold on, Kathryn...  Hold on."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It had seemed like forever had come and gone before they arrived.  The same doctor as before, and two nurses to help her.  They rushed down the corridors, a blur of orders being given all the while.  Every once in a while, they passed a member of the crew.

He followed the medical team as far as the doors at the end of the room.  Chakotay couldn't help but wonder if he would ever see her again as the doors closed behind them, separating him from what was going on inside that room.

He stood there for a few moments.  Then he paced. Finally, a nurse came out:

"Please, have a seat," the woman gestured to a chair, and Chakotay complied.

"What's happening?"

"The same thing that happens every time one of you imbeciles ignores the Doctor's advice," she typed a few commands into a console on the wall beside him.  That's when he got locked into the chair.


"I'm sorry, but this procedure is necessary in order to save the woman's life," the nurse typed in a few more commands, then held Chakotay's head still, which didn't keep him from struggling, but successful immobilized him from turning his head.

Then came the pain:  it was so intense that he couldn't even cry out.  The syringe was slowly thrust into his neck and then retracted to its original position.  The nurse released his head and returned to the small panel to release him.

Chakotay nearly leapt from the chair.  The woman turned to reenter the room Kathryn was being held in.

"What about this?" his neck still hurt from that needle.

"You men are exactly the same, no matter what species," she sighed:  "you're all babies when it comes to pain."

"What about Kathryn?"  The alien disappeared into the room without answering.
On to Day 2

source ~ Area 47 ~ rogue.fire.angel@gmail.com