9 Days, Day 2
Star Trek Voyager
"9 Days"

by K.N. Senko

Disclaimer:  Paramount and Viacom own Star Trek (oh the pain, the pain):  they would never inflict this kind of pain on Captain Janeway and her crew.
Back to Day 1
Day Two

"Hey, you!"  Chakotay jumped awake.  He struggled to climb to his feet as a guard approached.  "You don't belong in here."

"I'm waiting for someone," Chakotay tried to explain.

"I don't care:  this is a restricted area."

"I thought that we were allowed to go anywhere we want to."

"Just a second..." the guard placed a finger against his ear, listening in the hidden equipment that allowed his superiors to contact him:  "yes, sir."  He listened some more:  "No sir, you see, my orders were..."  He stopped and listened some more: "Understood."  The man turned back to Chakotay:  "The woman you're waiting for is about to released.  This area is temporarily restricted.  I have been ordered to inform you that you should return to your quarters."

Chakotay turned to leave; the guard followed him out of the sickbay, at which point the alien went back inside.

Chakotay went a short distance and then turned to watch the doors that led inside.  He wasn't really going to leave until he knew what was happening to Kathryn.

"Chakotay?"  He turned to see B'Elanna approach:  "What are you doing here?"

"The Captain is inside."

"Is she alright?"

"I wish I knew," he answered.  "What time is it?"

"Around 0800, why?"

He had been sitting there all night:

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"Eight of us have been ordered to report here...  Chakotay, what's going on?"

"I don't know."

"They aren't going to harm us, are they?"

"No, but I wouldn't recommend going against doctor's orders."


"Because the Captain did and now she's here."

"Why are they doing this to us?"  Chakotay shook his head at B'Elanna's rhetorical question.  "I have to go, Chakotay," B'Elanna stated as two female crewmembers walked past.  "I'll see you later?"

Chakotay nodded.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Kathryn really, really didn't like this place.  She tried to suppress a moan, but found herself unsuccessful.  She lifted her arm to shield the light that was shining in her eyes, groaning.

"Kathryn," Chakotay was already at her side.  She lifted her hand, reached for him.  Chakotay took her hand:

"What happened?" she asked.

"Your condition got worse," he answered.  "I called the Doctor, and she did something for you."

"What did they do to me?"

"I don't know," he answered.  "She said that you would need to see her again tomorrow morning:  something about another injection."  Chakotay gently laid her hand back down.  He disappeared for a few seconds, then reappeared: "Are you hungry?" he set a tray down beside her.  Kathryn tried to sit up, but he had to help her:  "They brought lunch."  He explained:  "even brought coffee."

Chakotay handed her the cup, but the smell made her stomach turn.  She put her cup back on the tray:

"I'll pass."

"Do you mind if I...?"

"Go ahead."  She watched as Chakotay took a bite of his food.  She swallowed.

"How can you eat that?"  Chakotay put his fork down:

"Kathryn, are you feeling alright?"

"No, I don't think I am."

"What is it?"  Kathryn didn't answer.  She leapt from the bed and ran for the bathroom.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Whatever Talitha had given to Kathryn had apparently helped her recover in record time:  for the most part.  When she was awake, she was completely coherent.  She had been able to dress herself in the new blue outfit a guard had brought her, she had been able to walk around, and talk.

The only problem was that she was exhausted.  Kathryn was practically falling asleep standing up.  That and the fact that she couldn't seem to keep any food down.

The pitching of the shuttle apparently wasn't helping matters.  Chakotay pulled a bag out from underneath the seats that were across from them, almost losing his balance and being sent sprawling in the process.  Chakotay shook it open and handed it to Kathryn.  It was barely in time.

Chakotay grabbed for Kathryn as the shuttle ceased its sharp ascent.  She disposed of the bag, placing it in a trash cubicle that was within arm's reach, and then leaned against him.  He took her into his arms, wishing that he could help her more.

Chakotay remembered the conversation they had had with Esod in the courtyard earlier that morning.  He had filled them in:

"Both of you are traveling to the camp today," he smiled.  "I do hope that you enjoy yourselves there.  Good bye."

Chakotay could now hear the pilots joking in the cockpit.  Kathryn sat up as the shuttle made a few more maneuvers.

"Are you alright, Kathryn?"  She shook her head.  Chakotay reached for several of the bags this time.  She grabbed one, opening herself, then seemed to relax as trip seemed to grow calm again.  Suddenly, the shuttle seemed to freefall.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Kathryn smoothed her new outfit--a blue dress with matching pants--as she came out of the bathroom.  She scanned the camps medical facility for her first officer:

"Kathryn."  She turned to find Chakotay approaching, looking almost as stunning in his new black uniform as he had in his grey one.  Why had they given her this blue thing that didn't even fit?  Her last one had fit like a glove.

Someone passed, carrying a tray of something that looked like coffee.  Kathryn's stomach turned over again:

"I really don't feel so good, Chakotay."

"Come on," he said softly.  "Maybe we can find you a bed."

They walked side by side toward the exit, his arm around her waist:

"I feel like I'm about to fall over," her voice sounded strange:  tired.  The doors slid open as they approached.

The light was blinding at first, but Kathryn's eyes adjusted quickly enough.  What she saw next was nothing less than amazing.

Before them lay the 'camp.'  They stood on the top of a small hill.  To their left and down the hill was a large building, into which brown and purple clad individuals seemed to be filing in and out of.  Straight ahead and to their right were enough small buildings to house the entire crew.  Beyond the shacks were fields green with plants, and behind the large building were the foothills to a fairly large mountain.

"Captain."  Kathryn and Chakotay turned.  Chakotay dropped his arm, and Kathryn turned to face the crewmember that had spoken to her:

"Seven," she greeted.  "It's good to see you."

"Likewise," Seven answered.  "I heard that a shuttle had arrived."

"We've been here for about ten minutes," Chakotay confirmed as they started down the hill.

"How have you been?" Kathryn asked.

"I have grown impatient during my stay.  I found your orders difficult to obey, to say the least."

"Sounds like your visit has been a challenge," Chakotay commented.  "Tell me, Seven:  did they have you do anything besides sit around and do nothing?"

"I underwent a thorough medical examination, as well a technological one.  I have spent the majority of the rest of my stay gardening during the day and singing at night for various dinner parties.  It has been tedious and pointless."

"Where are you staying, Seven?" Kathryn asked.  The ex-borg gestured:

"I have chosen a small building along this route."  She led the way.

"You weren't assigned quarters?" Chakotay asked.

"No:  we were allowed to choose our cubicle.  At this time I am staying alone, across the way from Commander Tuvok and Mr. Neelix."

"Where do we find a place to stay?" Kathryn asked.

"There are two empty beds in my cubicle, Captain.  You are welcome to use one, if you wish. Commander Chakotay may be able to find a place to stay nearby. Ensign Kim is staying several doors down, for instance."

"Well, Seven, thank you:  I would enjoy staying with you very much," Kathryn lifted a hand to massage her throbbing head.

"Could you take us there?" Chakotay asked.  Kathryn turned to look at him; there was concern in his eyes.  She dropped her hand.

"Yes, I can."  Seven led the way.  A couple of minutes later, they stopped outside one of the uniformly sized buildings:  "This is my alcove."

"Any idea where I can find Harry?" Chakotay asked.

"The large building north of here is a mess hall."  Kathryn swallowed at Seven's words.  "Most of the crew is there at this time."

"Thanks," he turned and began to leave.

"Chakotay," Kathryn caught up with him.  "I'm sorry... about earlier.  I guess that I'm just not feeling myself today."  Chakotay glanced towards Seven, then looked back to Janeway:

"It's alright, Kathryn.  I'll see you later."  He turned again:

"Chakotay..." he stopped and turned back:

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."  She watched Chakotay walk away, then turned to follow Seven into the small building.  There were three beds:  two with headboards against the front wall, under windows, and the third parallel to the room's back wall.

At the head of the third bed was a doorway.  Kathryn found that it led to a bathroom that held a shower.  Fortunately, it had a bathtub.

"This is my bed," Seven indicated the one closest to the door.

"Thank you for letting me stay with you, Seven."

"You are welcome, Captain."  Seven replied.  "To be perfectly honest, I will welcome your company.  It is disconcerting knowing that guards are periodically roaming the paths at night.  The doors do not possess locks."  Kathryn pulled the covers back on the third bed and sat down:

"I take it you didn't sleep well," she commented, pulling off her boots.

"To put it mildly, yes."  Seven sat on the end of her bed stiffly.  "It is disconcerting, sleeping."

"Oh, you get used to it," Kathryn lay down.


"Oh, yes:  it's quite enjoyable.  Speaking of which, I would like to get some."

"It is still several hours until dark, Captain," Seven observed, puzzled.  "Captain, are you alright?"

A pause.


Seven didn't receive a reply:  Kathryn had already fallen asleep.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It was dark, and Chakotay couldn't sleep.  Harry was already snoring softly, which only kept Chakotay more awake.  The weather was nice out:  maybe he should take a walk.  Go to the mess hall and get a cup of herbal tea.  Yes, that would help him sleep.  Chakotay did his best to slip outside quietly.

There was a full moon out.  Chakotay could see a lunar colony on the surface.  He turned and began to walk toward the mess hall.  Insects were chirping like crickets.  Every building he passed, the lights were out.  Something like an owl flew overhead.  Chakotay walked on.  Suddenly, he collided with something.

"Oof."  Chakotay collapsed, falling over someone else in the darkness.  He hadn't seen them in the shadows.  Apparently, they hadn't seen him either.

"I'm sorry," struggling to his feet, he groped in the darkness, hoping to find an arm so he could help them up.  He stumbled, and hit them in the chest with his outstretched hand.

"Ouch!"  Chakotay leapt to his feet:

"I'm so sorry."  She grabbed for his hand.  As he pulled her up into the moonlight, Chakotay realized that it was Kathryn.  She crossed her arms over her chest, as if to protect herself where he had unwittingly infringed upon her privacy:

"Couldn't you have been more gentle?"

"Did I hurt you?  I mean..."  Chakotay stepped closer, then thought better of it and backed twice as far away.

"I'm fine," she answered.  "Just a little tender, that's all."

"I didn't expect to run into you like this..."

"Chakotay, slow down:  it's alright.  It was just an accident."  Chakotay shut up.  There was an uneasy silence for a few moments.  He was the first to break it:

"So... what brings you out at this time of night?"

"I could ask you the same," she teased.  He smiled uneasily:

"Well, uh, I couldn't sleep."  Chakotay couldn't figure out what to do with his hands for the life of him.  He also couldn't seem to keep his eyes off Kathryn's breasts:  they looked noticeably swollen.  "And you?" he clasped his hands behind his back.

"I just woke up."  Chakotay crossed his arms:

"Are you feeling better?" he uncrossed them.  She nodded:

"Much," she answered:  "I'm hungry."

"Well, I was on my way to see if I could get some tea," he forced his hands to his sides.  "If you want, I could take you to the mess hall; it might be nice to have some company."  Kathryn smiled:

"I would like that."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Kathryn had made an understatement when she had said she was hungry:  it would have been more accurate to say famished.  She had piled her plate high with food and was eating as if she hadn't seen food in months.

Now, an hour later, she scraped her plate, placing the last of her dessert in her mouth.  The fruit in the tart had tasted like apples, and the milk had been so sweet.

"This is good," she placed the last crumb in her mouth.  "Is there any more?"

"You had the last of it," Chakotay answered, seemingly more comfortable than he had been earlier.  "Actually, we should get some sleep."

Chakotay downed the rest of his tea, then took the tray to the recycler.  Kathryn watched his every movement.  He was so handsome.

"Come on, Kathryn:  it's late."

"I'm not tired."

"Yes you are," he helped her up:  "you just don't know it."

Kathryn swayed when he pulled her to her feet.  She felt intoxicated.  She wished that she could have more dessert.

Chakotay half walked her, half dragged her out of the building.  Kathryn tried to pull him away from the shack that she shared with Seven instead of towards it.  She was too weak from who-knew-what-she-had-eaten to even walk herself, let alone pull his away from his destination.

"Let's go somewhere else," she tried instead.  "How about a walk?  I want to take a walk.  I don't want to go back."

"What about Seven?  Won't she miss you?"

"She's not there:  probably off singing for someone who thinks he's important."

"All the more reason to go back," he pulled her along the path:  "You're tired, Kathryn:  it's time to go to bed."

"I've been sleeping for hours," she pulled the other way.

"Kathryn..." he pulled her back.  "It's time for bed."

Suddenly, her knees wouldn't work anymore, and she collapsed into a heap.  Chakotay leaned down, his lips only inches from her own.  She wanted to kiss him.  He picked her up before she had the chance.

He carried her in his arms the rest of the way.  He smelled so good:  yummy.  He smelled like...like Chakotay; he smelled like Chakotay.  Kathryn gazed up at his face:

"Why do you have to be so stubborn?" she asked.

"Someone has to take care of you," he answered.  She giggled:  an odd sound.

"My voice of reason when my judgement is clouded.  It will get you in trouble one days, Commander."

He stopped in front of the door to Seven's and Kathryn's shack:  she felt him drop her feet to the ground, but she was still in his arms.

"Chakotay?" she said his name softly.


"You're too good to me."  He didn't answer:  "You're so beautiful... no, that's not the right word."  She searched her mind for a word:  handsome?  Cute?  "Gorgeous, you're absolutely gorgeous."


"Kiss me, Chakotay."


She kissed him instead.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Chakotay couldn't help it:  he knew that he shouldn't be letting Kathryn kiss him, but he just couldn't stop himself.  Finally, he forced himself to pull away.

A light was turned on, and Seven came outside:

"Commander?"  Kathryn turned to look to Seven, but almost fell over.

Chakotay caught her:

"We went and got something to eat," he explained.

"Hi, Seven," Kathryn laid her head on Chakotay's shoulder.  "Good night, Seven."

"She is intoxicated," Seven stated.

"I think that it was something she ate," he looked down to Kathryn's face:  "Kathryn?"

She had passed out.

"I am uncertain as to what course of action we should take," Seven stated.  Chakotay lifted Kathryn up again:

"I'll lay her down inside.  She can sleep it off."

"Of course, Commander." Seven led the way inside, pulling back the blankets on what appeared to be Kathryn's bed.  Chakotay lay her down, then turned to Seven uneasily:

"When she wakes up in the morning, you should take her to sickbay.  She's supposed to have an injection and I don't know what will happen to her if she doesn't take it.  They may be able to help her if she has a hang over as well."

"Yes, Commander.  Good night."

"Good night, Seven."  He was about to leave, but stopped to say:  "Good night, Captain." Kathryn stirred a bit:

"Good night, Captain," she said in her sleep.  Chakotay shook his head, then left.
On to Day 3

source ~ Area 47