Ginny Weasley's | Diary |
a fanfic by | k.n. senko |
N E W S C H O O L Y E A R'S R E S O L U T I O N S ~
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Drink more than eight Butterbeer's a week. Accept candy from Fred or George. Kill Ron. Waste money on Cockroach Clusters, Pepper Imps, Sugar Quills, and especially Chocoballs. Spend all of my pocket money at once. Allow homework to rage out of control. Date boys that are any of the following: easy to push around, dumb, super smart, conceited, cowardly, a pig, disrespectful towards me, or simply because they are good looking. Have crushes on said boys. Get upset over boys, but instead be poised and cool ice-queen. Obsess about Harry Potter, as is pathetic to have crush on one who thinks of me solely as "Ron's little sister." Sulk about Harry Potter seeing me solely as "Ron's little sister." |
Stop accepting candy from Fred and George. Drink no more than eight Butterbeer's a week. Drink more Pumpkin Juice (and eat/drink other healthy foods). Always wear a hat when outside (in sun). Improve grades and pass O.W.L.s with flying colors. Save my pocket money. Be kinder and help others more. Practice Quidditch more. Improve on jinxes, hexes, defensive spells, etc. Decide what to do with life (after Hogwarts). Pursue said goals.
Form functional relationship with responsible (but not too responsible) guy. |
Bridget Jones's Diary was written by Helen Fielding
and is the property of said author and Viking Penguin Books.