Ginny Weasley's Diary - An Exceptionally Bad Start
Ginny Weasley's

a fanfic by 

k.n. senko


A N   E X C E P T I O N A L L Y   B A D   S T A R T
S U N D A Y  5  J U N E
Freckles 1029 (and summer's just began), Butterbeers consumed 4 (twice as many as Sunday allotment), things to do besides unpack or start homework 0.

Noon. The Burrow: my room. Ugh. The last thing I want to do all summer is to hear Ron going on and on about whether or not Hermione is spending the summer holidays with Viktor Krum (little does he know that Hermione has turned Viktor down twice now). My room is a mess and I promised a letter to Hermione and several other classmates but I do not feel up to cleaning or writing said correspondence.

Ron will not come outside and play Quidditch and Mum wants to teach me knitting (by hand) so I have shut myself in room even though it is incredibly hot. I'm so bored that I decided to finally start writing in this journal that Mum got me for my birthday. Maybe I'll have another Butterbeer.


T U E S D A Y  7  J U N E

Freckles too many to count, Pumpkin Juice 2 (good), annoying brothers... 1 too many

4 p.m. Ron is being very horrid today. Mum doesn't seem to notice much since he's a Prefect now. Fortunately Bill just sent an Owl saying that he and Fleur are coming for dinner and that Charlie will be coming too. Maybe I'll actually have some fun tonight.

9 p.m. Bill ignored me the entire night. He was much too busy fawning over Fleur Delacour to notice little ol' me. Guess what? They're engaged. Bill wants to get married straightaway as he's busy with the Order and time is short and everyone might die tomorrow. Mum cried.


F R I D A Y  1 0  J U N E

Additional freckes 10, Pumpkin juice 1, Butterbeer 3

Mum and Mrs. Delacour are in a frenzy. Bill and Fleur have settled on 21st (as is the first day of summer) which leaves less than two weeks. Gabrielle, Fleur's three cousins, and I must wear horrid pink dresses as are bridesmaids which means too much time will be wasted fitting them. We've begun planning the wedding and plan for it to be small: family and close friends only, though no Malfoys despite their being not-so-distant relations (of course: can you imagine Father and a newly-escaped Mr. Malfoy getting into a duel?).

The heat has been horrid. Spot of good news though: Harry is coming for wedding. Still to be cleared with Dursleys but tomorrow or day after is plan. Hermione will come for wedding as well. At least Crookshanks will be happy to see me.


T U E S D A Y  1 4  J U N E

New freckles 0 (but only because i've been stuck inside), pumpkin juice 5 very good (new diet as dress is horrid enough without being pudgy), dress fittings 12 awful

It is so hot you would not believe if i told you. Gabrielle is staying here in my room and the extra body does not help. I cannot even use magic to cool the room. Fortunately Fleur and she will stay in Percy's old room over weekend and then i will have Hermione for company. Unfortunately will have to share room with one or two of cousins-in-law-to-be later on as well.

Tempted to go up to Ron's room... Harry is here and very silent (not that Ron would let him get a word in edgewise: he's still ranting about Hermione). No, i daren't risk it, as Mum keeps asking me if i am going to ask him how he's doing since Sirius died. I may be boyfriend free (as Michael has dumped me, much to Ron's delight) but i'm still going for Resolution #9 "be cool and poised ice queen".


T H U R S D A Y  1 6  J U N E

Too busy to write. Hermione is here (is Godsend! someone else to help with the wedding). Ron is no longer sulking, nor is Harry... Too busy to take the time.


S A T U R D A Y  1 8  J U N E

Freckles haven't had time to notice, Butterbeers 4-5 bad, dress fittings 40

7 p.m. Rehearsal Dinner My dress is finally done (hurrah). Mum is perfectly frazzled trying to finish dinner. Why she did not order out is beyond me. She has been working day and night on b. dresses and has not slept right in week. Very on edge. Hope I enjoy self tonight and she will relax for at least few hours.

10 p.m. After Party Fred and George brought some Whiz-Bangs which were simply delightful (they have added to repertoire). We played Quidditch afterwards in residual light and Harry watched: he says I have improved (yes!). Am looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow.


M O N D A Y  2 0  J U N E

glasses of punch 6 bad, dress fittings 0 (yes!!!), streamers hung 1,000,000

Gabrielle coerced me into helping with Bridal Shower. There were many girls there with french accents that I did not know. Felt dumb leading party games. Hermione was no help as was practicing french with Bridesmaid #4 (Drya?). Had some fun but felt everyone enjoyed event more than me. Feels weird that I will soon be (oh-so-distantly) related to these beautiful, freckle free women with skin like moonlight.


T U E S D A Y  2 1  J U N E

Butterbeers 2, glasses of punch 4, pieces of cake 2, servings of fish and chips 2, carrot sticks 8, celery sticks 2, crackers 16, cheese cubes 25+

10 a.m. Wedding Is so hot today that everyone is melting. Mom made Ron, Harry, Hermione, and I de-gnome one last time (why oh why?) and double check the chairs to make certain arranged straight. I took a cold shower (no hot water left) and got dressed (alas! dress was snugger than remembered).

Fleur was beautiful next to bridesmaids and flowers as were wilting. Bill looked wonderful. Fred and George caused small disturbance when they stole ring from Charlie. Mum and Mr. Delacour cried (not because of ring).

The Reception We are standing beneath a large party tent which helps with the heat but only slightly. Hermione has gotten Ron to ask her dance; he's awful but quite happy. Mum is horrid and keeps on thinking up reasons for me to go talk to Harry. She has just shunted me onto him for twentieth time. This is really the first chance we've had to be alone since he's gotten here: why oh why can't I think of anything to say?

"I, um... What have you been up to lately?" he asks. I rack brain trying to think of anything intelligent, anything at all.

"Besides helping to plan a wedding?" Crookshanks is causing a small disturbance trying to get the little bride and groom off top of cake.

"Oh," he says. "Right."

"Have you gotten your O.W.L. results yet?" I ask hopefully. Harry looks at me strangely:

"No." Of course he hasn't; if he had then Ron would have as well and Mum would be singing praises about him or beating him over head with broom (depending on results). "Excuse me, I need a refill..." Harry rushes off with full glass of punch. It must be my lurid pink, too snug, wilting bridesmaid dress. I go to get a piece of cake and get in line behind Ron and Hermione.

"Hello," I say. Ron nearly jumps out of skin.

"Don't sneak up on us like that," Ron states. "Honestly." Hermione smiles.

Mum sticks Harry in line (for cake) behind me, babbling about "keeping the young people together." Ron keeps looking at Hermione then looking away. We all stand awkwardly together for several moments more.

"You want to dance some more?" Ron asks.

"All right," Hermione answers. They rush off together. Harry and I get cake and go to sit down.

"Have you been doing better this summer?" I ask. Harry doesn't answer. "If you want to talk about..." I hesitate: "Well, if you want to talk, I'm here you know."

"Thanks," he mumbles. We finish our cake in silence, then take our plates to the bin. Unfortunately we walk into a very uncomfortable conversation.

"She's had a crush on him for five years now," Mum is informing Mrs. Delacour as she tidies up a bit. "Ever since his first year he's been friends with our Ron and he even saved her his second year from a Basilisk and a Dark Diary, so she's understandably sweet on him. But ever since You-Know-Who's return he's been oh-so-sullen and I just don't know how to get through to him anymore. He used to be so sweet. It's been even worse since his godfather died..."

At this, Harry bolted. I run after him, not sure whether I want to find him, what I'll say to him if I do, but knowing that I have to try. The only people I find are Ron and Hermione kissing behind the shed. I am so embarassed, this is simply dreadful: I can't believe Mum would say any of this when Harry was only across the tent.

4 p.m. Harry is still missing. Ron and Hermione are still snogging behind shed. Whole afternoon has been a disaster... Until Bill came to find me.

"What's wrong, Gin?" he asks.

"Harry's missing," I say.

"I spotted that," he answered. "You know Mum meant well." He pauses: "You've been rather distant of late." I burst into tears:

"Oh, Bill, how could you?" I ask.

"How could I what?"

"Marry someone as snobbish as her?!?" Bill turns serious:

"I love her, Gin," he tells me. "I've never felt this way about anyone; she's really nice, you know, it's just the Veela in her: it's a lot to live up to." I wipe the tears away, ashamed. Bill sits down beside me and pulls me into a hug: "You know I'll always love you, Gin, don't you?" Somehow those words make all the difference in the world. He stands up, pulling me with him: "Come on, let's have a dance."

L I S T   -   J U L Y
Lumos Nox * Swish + Flick * source
Harry Potter and all related characters and elements
are the property of J.K. Rowling, Scholastic, and Warner Bros.

Bridget Jones's Diary was written by Helen Fielding
and is the property of said author and Viking Penguin Books.

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