Ginny Weasley's Diary - Hotter than...
Ginny Weasley's

a fanfic by 

k.n. senko


H O T T E R   T H A N . . .
S A T U R D A Y  2  J U L Y
Freckles too many to count, Butterbeers 5 (as it's too hot to be healthy), time spent trying not to gag at Ron's antics: way too much.

Recovery from the wedding has been slow. Ron and Hermione have been positively revolting. If they aren't making eyes over the table/book/chessboard/room at each other they are sitting in a corner giggling or sneaking away to someplace private to make out. How Mum has not figured out why they keep running off is beyond me... Of course she probably thinks that they're off somewhere with Harry seeing how he's making himself as scarce as possible, too. One would think that with evil wizard on loose she would keep us all under a tighter chain.

Anyway, I actually find it to be a relief when they're not around. Harry still won't speak to me and the new couple are just too revolting for words. He's always trying to amuse her but always ends up acting like a complete idiot in the process. Hermione actually thinks he's sweet and will talk and ask questions about him all night while I'm trying to fall asleep. I am so glad I'm not in like or in love with anyone at the moment. Yes, I am lonely, but at least I am not making a complete and utter fool of myself in the process.

Drat, I just realized that I haven't written to Dean in over a week. Come to think of it, I think it's his turn to write. I wonder how his holiday is going.


S U N D A Y  3  J U L Y

Freckles why bother counting?, Butterbeer again why bother, heat still unbearable (v. bad).

Noon. Humph. The inseperable trio is actually spending time together today. I decided to spend some time alone at the waterhole in an attempt to cool off (in shade with hat on, of course: no sunbathing for me) when they stroll up and ruin it. Harry is trying to break his neck diving from overhang (which is rather daring and cute seeing how he can barely dog paddle). Ron is again being unbearable trying to splash Hermione and dunk her. This is of course just a thinly veiled game where he can grab her from behind and snog her underwater periodically. To make matters worse Luna just happened to decide to come over today of all days and has somehow developed a perfect tan. Not only that, but she has actually gotten Harry to talk to her a bit (somewhere secluded enough for them to seen but not be heard of course) and ruined my plan to try to teach Harry how to swim.

Oh, Ron and Hermione are making out behind the waterfall again. Whatever will they think of next?


W E D N E S D A Y  6  J U L Y

Freckles , Butterbeer / Pumpkin Juice ,

Managed to get some homework done as Harry and Hermione have left and there is nothing to do. Ron got in trouble when Mum found him and Hermione in the broomshed when they were supposed to be helping me and Harry degnome. Hermione is now spending the rest of the holiday with her parents and Harry is spending his at some secret location. As we have no idea if we'll see either before King's Cross Ron is sulking in bedroom and writing love notes to Hermione. Mum is threatening to take away Pig for the rest of the summer but as she cannot seem to catch him I find that very unlikely. But in reality I think Mum is secretly pleased and it's all an act.

11 a.m. Right: am going to concentrate on Potions now.

11:15 a.m. You know, I never thought about it before, but a diary really was a strange gift for Mum to be giving me after what happened first year. Perhaps she wants me to form new nightmare free thoughts about blank books?

11:25 a.m. Oh, I nearly forgot, she's said something before about journaling helping her a great deal her O.W.L. year when it came to deciding what she wanted to do in life, what career to pursue, etc. Somehow I doubt that her diary was filled with baby names and cleaning charms... Perhaps she was trying out different ways to write out "Mrs. Arthur Weasley"?

11:35 a.m. Will not write Mrs. Harry Potter over and over in diary as would only prove embarassing in future.

11:40 a.m. It really is soooo hot. Is nearly impossible to concentrate.

11:45 a.m. Mrs. Harry Potter. Ginevra Potter. Mrs. Ginny Potter.

Oh, I am so pathetic. Am succumbing to same lunacy that I wrote in Tom's diary (thank God this diary is of the muggle variety). But really what else is there to write about in a diary? Not to mention that it's like a sauna in here and I can't think about anything for longer than five minutes straight. Am distracted by thoughts of Harry diving shirtless from top of waterfall and swimming towards... Luna Lovegood. Well that sure is a way to kill a good moment. Tramp. I always knew that she was trying to get her fingers on the Boy Who Lived. That loony distracted air about her is really all an act to get Harry's attention.

11:55 a.m. I take it all back. Luna has been nothing than nice to me. She even helped me in the Ministry.

Noon. I've got two feet left on my Potion's essay; I really do need to work on this.

12:05 p.m. I wonder what Harry is doing at that secret hideout of his?

12:10 p.m. Now the real culprit is Ronald Weasley. Banned from using the waterhole now and it's all his fault. Stupid brother. My room really is hotter than...

12:12 p.m. Lunch is ready (finally)!

12:35 p.m. Mum only set out some lukewarm pumpkin juice and the makings for sandwiches: never a good sign.

12:45 p.m. What in the world is a girl supposed to do when it's so unbearably hot?!?

J U N E   -   A U G U S T
Lumos Nox * Swish + Flick * source
Harry Potter and all related characters and elements
are the property of J.K. Rowling, Scholastic, and Warner Bros.

Bridget Jones's Diary was written by Helen Fielding
and is the property of said author and Viking Penguin Books.

800 since 04112.3
updated 04112.2