K.N. Senko's Recommended HP fics
Harry Potter fics Recommended
by K.N. Senko with Reservations
light the dark
swish + flick

I must confess that i've been reading NC-17 and R fanfic since i was about 16.  I stay away from slash and mpreg and stuff that's too slutty.  Some really great fics are out there that have the higher rating because sexual scenes are included or more graphic violence than one would find in the books.  I feel some of these fics deserver their attention, too.

O* Outstanding
a Matter of Circumstance + a Matter of Perspective
In revenge against Harry, an unknown enemy casts an ancient spell forcing Harry and Ginny into an unwanted intimate relationship. As they deal with the pain together, their relationship grows and changes into something much more. Pairing: Harry/Ginny NC-17 for sexual content and language.  H/G + R/H
Circumstance = Harry's p.o.v., Perspective = Ginny's.  This fic has a lot of the sex scenes but is extremely well written.  It's predominantly about Harry and Ginny and the circumstances that finally bring them together.

Demons in the Dreams
Pre-HBP Ginny and Harry are Aurors and together they struggle to survive their inner demons. Dreams plague the pair as they try to deal with the past and survive their future. Why does Ginny dream of her past as if it were the present?  H/G + R/H
Really well written and interesting.  Harry and Ginny live and share a bed together but are just friends (so far they haven't had sex).  Fic in progress.

E* Excellent
Harry Potter and the Acceptance of Fate
Harry comes to terms with the death from OotP and has to learn to accept his fate before him. Harry being allowed to join the Order causes tension. Friendships change--some for the better, some for the worst. The Wizarding world becomes the stage for war and Dumbledore maneuvers his chess pieces into position. Harry finds out there's a lot more live for a and a lot more to lose when his heart starts to feel something for someone who's been just a friend for years. It'll be H/Hr. I guarantee Ron won't be pleased about this. In fact, as the year goes on, he just can't figure out why everyone seems to act like the world revolves around Harry. This is my guess to how many of things to come in the 6th and 7th books may play out but I plan to give Harry some more, er *adult* situations than JKR could allow him to enjoy.  H/H + R/K
This fic is very well written and contains excellent observations and predictions about the series, but alas it's Harry + Hermione (which i really hate). Beware, there is some Ron bashing and some NC-17 moments but there's usually a warning is made ahead of time and a clean chapter available. This fic is also incomplete last time i checked:  i've been meaning to go back and reread it.

A* Average
That Muted Sort of Longing
Humor, angst and adventure color Ginny Weasley’s fifth year as she matures from the girl she is to the woman she will be. Her burgeoning powers are the least of her worries as her friendship with Harry darkens into something else.  H/G, R/H, D/M, N/L, Z/B, L/T, S/L, D/K, + R/N
Excellent fic with an abundance or relationships (will HBP be this shippy?) and very well written but i'm a bit uncomfortable with the familliars. The series is still in progress; i'm not sure what the author means by Ginny's friendship with Harry dark"ening.

daniel radcliffe * rupert grint * emma watson
shipper codes
D/M = Draco Malfoy / Millicent Bulstrode
D/K = Dean Thomas / Katie Bell
H/G = Harry Potter / Ginny Weasley
H/H = Harry Potter / Hermione Granger
N/L = Neville Longbottom / Luna Lovegood
R/H = Ron Weasley / Hermione Granger
R/K = Ron Weasley / Katie Bell
R/N = Remus Lupin / Nymphadora Tonks
S/L = Seamus Finnegan / Lavender Brown
Z/B = Blaise Zabini / Susan Bones

Lumos Nox * Swish + Flick * source
Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Hedwig, Fawkes,
and all related characters and elements are the property of
J.K. Rowling, Scholastic, and Warner Bros.

All story description are written by their authors:
i have a hard enough time writing my own fics' descriptions i'm not going to write theirs, too!