9 Days, Day 3
Star Trek Voyager
"9 Days"

by K.N. Senko

Disclaimer:  Paramount and Viacom own Star Trek (oh the pain, the pain):  they would never inflict this kind of pain on Captain Janeway and her crew.
Back to Day 2
Day Three

Never had her head hurt so much in her entire life.  Kathryn opened her eyes, but that only made it hurt worse:  she immedietely closed them again.

"Good morning, Captain."  Kathryn winced at Seven's voice:

"Please don't talk so loud, Seven."  She forced herself to sit up.

"You are, no doubt, feeling the aftereffects of last nights interlude with the Commander."

"What?" Kathryn forced her eyes open.

"When you and Commander Chakotay returned last night, or rather this morning, you were less than lucid.  You appeared to be intoxicated:  I doubt that what you are experiencing is pleasant."

"What happened?"

"Apparently, you ate something that did not agree with you.  The Commander carried you here."

"He carried me?!?"

"Yes," Seven paused:  "do you not remember any of what occurred last night?"

"No, I don't," she admitted.  "We took a walk, we ate...  I don't know what happened after that."  Kathryn searched her mind, but she came up totally blank.

"The Commander recommended that I take you to sickbay," Seven stood.  Janeway looked up to her:

"I'm inclined to agree with his suggestion."  She forced herself to stand:  "And the sooner, the better."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Chakotay wiped the sweat off his brow and looked up.  The sun was high in the sky, and he wondered when they would be allowed to take a break for lunch.  He began hoeing again.  When he reached the end of the row, he paused again to wipe the sweat off his face.


Chakotay turned at Kathryn's voice.  She held out a jug.  He accepted it gratefully:

He took a drink:  cool, refreshing water.  He was careful not to drink too much too fast:  he didn't want to get sick.  Chakotay turned to look at her:

"Thanks," he handed her the jug.  "How do you feel?"

"Better."  He should have known:  she was glowing.  "Apparently, I shouldn't have drank that milk and ate that fruit together."

"I thought it might have been something like that," Chakotay picked up his hoe again.  Kathryn looked away uneasily:

"Sixteen crewmembers were brought to camp today.  B'Elanna and Tom were with them..." she paused:  "I think that she's the only female crewmember that isn't sick in the bunch."

"Like you were."  He could see Kathryn nod:

"It looks like you've got a lot of work done," she commented.  Chakotay nodded.  "Isn't it tiring?"  He shrugged:

"It could be worse," he answered.  "Harry and Tuvok are in the mines today."  He handed the water back to her, started to get ready to plow again.

"Chakotay, about last night..." she hesitated.  "I would appreciate it if you cleared something up for me."

"What would that be, Captain?"

"What exactly happened?"


"I don't remember anything."  Chakotay looked away:

"Well, I walked you back:  had to carry you part way..." he wiped his hands on his pants.

"That's all?"  He didn't know how to answer.

"Well, uh, you did kiss me."

"You two!"  Chakotay and Kathryn turned to find a guard walking toward them:  "Can't you hear the bell?  It's time to go and eat."

"We didn't hear," Kathryn answered.

"Well now you know."  Kathryn turned to follow Chakotay toward the mess hall:  "Stop."  Kathryn and Chakotay turned back to fact the guard:  "What are you doing with that?"


"That container," he replied:  "You're not supposed to be lifting anything heavy," he took the jug away from her.

"It's nothing really."

"I'll say what is and what isn't nothing... what are you looking at?" he asked Chakotay.  Chakotay turned to look back toward camp:  "And you," the guard turned back to Janeway:  "from now on, you stay at the compound.  You aren't to carry water out to the fields, or to the mines, or anywhere:  send someone else who isn't wearing blue."

"Alright."  She watched him stalk off, then followed Chakotay in.

"What was that all about?"

"I haven't the slightest, Chakotay."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It was the first time Kathryn had been with the crew since she had arrived at the camp.  Of course, it wasn't all of the crew.  B'Elanna had told her that there was still about thirty-two people at the compound where the entire crew had been originally.

Kathryn was, once again, self-conscious about her appearance.  It helped slightly that eight other women were clad exactly the same way, but Kathryn still felt uncomfortable.  Kathryn smoothed her dress and resisted the urge to try to pull her pants up:  she constantly felt like they were about to fall off.  The simple gown wasn't too bad, just a little too large (truth be told, it felt like she was being swallowed in a tent), but the only reason her pants stayed up was because they had a drawstring waistline.

Adjusting her outfit wasn't the only impulse that Kathryn was trying her best to ignore.  She couldn't stop looking at Chakotay.  She wondered what it had been like to kiss him.  She wished that she could remember what had happened.

She and Chakotay sat with the rest of the senior crew, all members being present now.  B'Elanna was guzzling down water like she hadn't seen any in days, and seemed compelled to stop to adjust her pants every ten seconds.  Tom seemed concerned about his girlfriend's actions, but tried not to let it show.  Harry was scarfing down his food, hungry after his long day's work.  Tuvok ate calmly, and Neelix scrutinized each bite.

Chakotay seemed too distracted to be very concerned about food, but Kathryn gently pushed his plate toward him:  he needed nourishment in order to keep up his strength.  Chakotay complied.

Seven scrutinized Kathryn's every movement (truth be told, she had been ever since she and Chakotay had arrived together).  The young woman noticed the silent communication between the captain and commander.  She stared at Kathryn as Janeway finished what had been a plate overflowing with food.  She watched as the Captain began an impromptu briefing.  It was making Kathryn squirm; it made her so uncomfortable that she felt the need to go to the ladies' room again.  But she had just gone, so she forced herself to wait.

"Now that the senior staff is all back together, I think that it would be best if we discussed our escape plans."

"Departure will be difficult, to say the least, Captain," Tuvok supplied.  "We are still uncertain as to when the rest of the crew will be brought here."

"What have you found?"

"There are several shuttles a kilometer away, Captain," Neelix observed.  "I saw them on the way to the mines this morning.  It would be a tight fit, but perhaps we could use them."

"I've noticed that many of the guards carry something similar to a tricorder," Chakotay noted.  "If we could take one, we may be able to scan for someplace to hide:  find an escape route."  Kathryn had never been more grateful for a suggestion from her first officer before.

"At any rate, we'll be leaving at night," Kathryn commented.  "There aren't as many guards at that time."

"But there is a forcefield that would prevent us from escaping," Harry said.

"With a tricorder, we may be able to find a generator and disable the forcefield," B'Elanna put in.

"Or at least create a hole in the field," Tom agreed.

"All good suggestions people," Kathryn ran her hand across her abdomen and placed it on her hip.  "Harry, I want you to try to obtain a tricorder.  Tuvok, survey the camp:  determine the most viable escape route and if we can acquire any weapons.  Neelix, right now, your duties as morale officer are paramount; let the crew know that we're going to be getting out of here and not to give up hope.

"Tom, Chakotay:  if you can, take a look at those shuttles, but don't endanger your safety or the mission's.  I'm not too worried that you won't be able to fly the ships, but I want you to become familiar with the technology if at all possible.  B'Elanna, Seven, you'll work together on the force field once we get a tricorder."  Janeway paused:  "You've all done exemplary work so far:  I'm proud of all of you.  Keep your eyes open and your chin up.  We'll meet again tomorrow evening at dinner:  until then, dismissed."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Kathryn stepped out of the restroom and into the bedroom.  She smiled.  B'Elanna had fallen asleep on the next bed.  Kathryn went and pulled the blanket over her chief engineer.  Funny, but the half klingon/half human didn't seem so intimidating while she was asleep.

Kathryn never took naps:  quite the contrary, she tended to be an insomniac.  But today it seemed like a good idea.  She sat down on the edge of her bed.  As she pulled off her boots, she massaged first one foot, then the other.  They seemed a bit swollen.

"Captain," Seven stepped into the room.

"Shhh…" Kathryn held a finger up to her lips to quiet the ex-borg, then pointed to their roommate.

"Captain," Seven said at a slightly lower volume level.  "May I see you for a moment?"

"Can't it wait, Seven?" Kathryn slid her feet onto her bed:  "I'm feeling a bit tired."

"Curious," Seven remarked.

"What is?"

"I was… talking to myself, Captain," she paused.  "I wished to inform you that a rumor is circulating about you and the Commander."

"A rumor?  Seven, there's fifty new rumors a day on Voyager.  It makes little difference what is being said about Chakotay and me."

"I believe that you would feel differently if you heard what the rumor is, Captain."

"Tell me after I wake up, Seven."

"Very well," Seven answered.  "I will leave you alone now so you may regenerate.  Sleep well."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It had been a long day.  Seeing B'Elanna and Tom suddenly sitting across from him wasn't making it any shorter:

"Commander," Tom greeted.

"B'Elanna, Tom."  The duo had seated themselves without an invitation or a tray.  Chakotay picked up his fork:  "What's going on?"

"What do you mean, Chakotay?" Tom asked.

"Well, for starters, you don't have any food."

"We already ate," B'Elanna explained.

"But you still want to talk with me."  Tom and B'Elanna exchanged a look:

"There's a rumor going around, Chakotay," she admitted.

"And you want to know if it's true or not."  Chakotay took a bite.  "This rice is delicious."

"That's right," Tom replied.  "The rice was alright, too."

"What's the rumor?" Chakotay asked.  B'Elanna cleared her throat:

"Most of the crew has heard about what went on at our last location," Tom was trying not to grin.

"And what might that be?"

"You ought to know as well as anyone else, Chakotay," Tom answered.  B'Elanna elbowed her boyfriend:

"What Tom means to say is that the Captain was the first person to be sent to sickbay," B'Elanna put in.  She shrugged:  "Everyone knows that, Chakotay."

"So everyone just assumes that we had a lot of fun."

"Well, frankly, yes," Tom answered.

"Wipe that grin off your face, Paris," B'Elanna commented.  Tom desperately tried not to smile.  Chakotay wasn't sure if it was because of what had happened between him and B'Elanna, or if it was what he thought had happened between the two officers in question, Chakotay obviously being one of them.  "Chakotay, everyone is assuming that you and the Captain..."

"Had fun, yes I know."

"Well, what are we supposed to think, Chakotay?" Tom asked.

"The Captain had to go to sickbay that night," Chakotay answered.

"That's been going around, too."

"Did you ever stop to wonder why?"

"Chakotay..."  The Commander didn't let B'Elanna finish:

"She almost died because we didn't do what you people seem so certain that we did do."  There was a long pause:

"So nothing happened between you and the Captain?" Tom asked.

"That's right."

"You didn't..."  He interrupted B'Elanna again:

"No, and you two can make sure that the rest of the crew knows it."

"Yes sir," Tom answered.

"We're sorry, Chakotay," B'Elanna put in.  They were both standing by now:

"Just don't let it happen again."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Kathryn turned from the food line:

"Captain," Tom greeted.  "Do you have a minute?"

"What, Chakotay's response wasn't enough?" she began to push through the crowd.

"Captain?" B'Elanna's voice was filled with confusion.

"Tuvok and Seven both informed me of the rumors that have been going around.  I can assure you that any response that Chakotay gave would be the same as mine."

"But, Captain…"

"No buts," she answered.  "I'll see you both later."  She pushed through the crowd, leaving the two confused crewmembers behind, and stopping in front of a certain darkly handsome gentleman:

"Is this seat taken?"  Chakotay looked up, realizing for the first time that she was there:

"Are you sure you're willing to risk it?"  Kathryn set down her tray and sat down:

"So that is what they wanted."

"You guessed it."

"I secretly hoped that they had more sense than that."  Kathryn waited for a reply, but was surprised to not receive one.  She looked up:  Chakotay was staring at her.

"Kathryn, why should they think any different?"

"What do you mean?"  Chakotay began to stare at his plate.  He picked up his spoon:

"After hours dinners, meetings in your ready room, you asking me to stay after certain briefings…" he paused:  "The crew isn't blind, Kathryn.  They don't only look to you for support:  they care about your happiness.  What makes you happy, makes them happy."

Kathryn considered his words for a moment:

"I guess that I never thought about it that way."

They sat in silence for a few minutes; Chakotay played with his food, Kathryn ate each bite thoughtfully.  The number of occupants in the room was slowly thinning, and those who were there weren't really eating, rather, most of them were watching them.

"Are you going to eat that?"  Chakotay looked up from the roll that was still on his plate, untouched.

"No, I don't suppose that I am."  Kathryn reached over and to take it, but stopped short.  Chakotay took it and handed it to her, eyes locked with hers.

"Thank you."  Chakotay blinked, then looked away.  He stood, lifting his tray.  As he put his tray into the recycler, he heard Kathryn behind him.  She placed her tray in the receptacle, then stepped up beside him, staring out at the stars that were just coming out.

"Do you want to take a walk?"  Kathryn turned to look at him.  "I have this Captain, and she wants me to check out these shuttlecrafts…"

"I'd love to."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Chakotay and Kathryn strolled beneath the stars, walking toward the plateau that held the camp's compliment of shuttles.  The night was comfortably warm, and all was quiet except the music of the resident insects.

They occasionally saw a couple or someone alone, walking, but no one disturbed them.  Even those few seemed to lessen as they neared the top of the hill.  As they paused to catch their breath, Kathryn looked heavenward.  Chakotay drew his attention away from the sky and toward a lone figure.

He walked the same path that Chakotay and Kathryn had walked only minutes earlier.  Even in the darkness, Chakotay was almost certain who it was.


"I see him, too."  Kathryn turned to look toward their destination.  Several barracks, a garage that was closed for the night, the control center:  "We should go back down."

"No," he stated.  "That will make him more suspicious.  Come on:  let's go."

Kathryn walked next to Chakotay solemnly, allowing him to lead the way.  Chakotay had a plan, and was grateful for his Captain's trust.  He stopped when they were almost to the group of buildings and leaned down to whisper into Kathryn's ear:

"Can you see him?"

"No."  Chakotay moved closer:

"Follow my lead."

She nodded, and he took her hand.  Chakotay broke into a run, leading her straight toward the barracks.  He wove in and out, pulling her along with him.  He could tell that she was getting tired.

Finally, they got to the large garage.  He pulled her around behind it, into the darkness.  Then he stopped running.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Kathryn couldn't understand why she was so out of breath.  The gravity may have been stronger than earth standard and the elevation was higher than she was used to, but still.  Perhaps it was the past couple of days catching up with her.

Suddenly, Chakotay pulled her into darkness and pressed her up against a wall.  He paused only a moment, and then began to kiss her.  This totally surprised Kathryn at first.  She resisted for a few seconds, but then thought better of it and relaxed in his arms, allowing herself to enjoy the experience.

His body against her own.  The tingles that went up and down her spine.  His hands holding her just right.  His lips on her own.  She slipped her hand around his neck and pulled him closer.

But then he pulled away.  Kathryn almost cried out in protest, but instead gasped as he began to powder her neck with kisses.  Kathryn never would have guessed the amount of passion that he could display in that short minute.  It was over all too soon, and Chakotay pulled away, this time with the intention of not returning.

He wasn't leaving her arms.  On the contrary, he still had her effectively pinned to this wall.  But he was no longer announcing his love, rather, pretending once more that they were simply two lovers trying to get away.  He turned his head to one side to look for the guard who had been tailing them.

Kathryn looked the opposite direction, into the darkness.  Chakotay turned back to her.  She could feel his breath on the side of her face, still labored.  Whether from the run or the kiss, Kathryn didn't know.

"I think he's gone," he whispered.  Kathryn lay her head on her first officer's chest, fighting back tears.  He leaned his head down:  "What do you think?"  She couldn't answer.  "Kathryn?"  Janeway fought to compose herself:

"Take me back."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

They had walked down the hill, hand in hand, no sign of a guard:  or anyone else, for that matter.  As they stopped outside her door, Chakotay glanced back one last time.

"Well, I don't think that he suspected that we were trying to get a glimpse of those shuttles."  Kathryn didn't answer.  He turned to look at her, and found her staring at him.  He swallowed:  "Well, I guess that this is good night."  She still didn't answer.  "Good night."

As he turned away to leave, Kathryn suddenly put her hand on his arm.  He stopped and turned back, only to find Kathryn placing her other hand behind his neck and pulling him down toward her.

The kiss surprised him.  It wasn't passionate, as the last one had been in the heat of the moment.  It was actually rather gentle.  He found himself resisting, so she let go, confused.

"What are you doing?" he whispered, still breathing heavily.

"I could ask you the same, Chakotay."

"What, with the guard?"

"I didn't care if there was a guard or not."

"Kathryn?"  She wasn't making any sense.

"Well, Chakotay, excuse me if I thought that there was a little more going on than a cover to keep a guard from being suspicious.  You were, after all, incredibly convincing."  Kathryn turned and started walking away.

"Kathryn," Chakotay grabbed her arm:  "What are you talking about?"

"Our relationship."  Chakotay's eyes searched her own, and suddenly, her expression hardened:  "I guess there isn't one, Commander."  She pulled out of his grasp:  "Good night."
On to Day 4

source ~ Area 47 ~ rogue.fire.angel@gmail.com