9 Days
Day One  Day Two  Day Three  Day Four  Day Five  Day Six  Day Seven  Day Eight  Day Nine ~ Escape
Voyager's captain and crew are kidnapped.  Will they be able to escape?  And why is the Captain acting so strangely?  J/C, T/P (Torres/Paris)

I wrote this poem shortly after "The Raven" premiered.  "Annika" deals with Seven and her journey to become more human.

Best Captain
Which captain is the best?  Kirk vs. Picard vs. Sisko vs. Janeway.  My first fanfic ever.

The Bunnies Song
Based on the lyrics from VeggieTales' "The Bunny Song" and new lyrics incorporating a J/C theme.

Janeway recruits Chakotay as her first officer:  My second episode addition (this time to "Caretaker").  J/C

If I Miss, I Get to be Captain
What happens when Chakotay actually does perform on a talent night.  J/C and T/P

A two-word poem and two haikus about the two characters who made one of the cutest couples in the universe.

My Gift to You
I wrote this poem the day after i saw "The Gift:"  my tribute to Kes/Jennifer Lien.

My Husband with the Coffee Eyes
My second Drabble, a companion to "My Wife with the Champagne Shoulders."  Kathryn muses as she makes love with Chakotay about what she was missing when she always pushed him away.  Also J/C, also not NC-17.

My Wife with the Champagne Shoulders
My first Drabble:  Chakotay adores Kathryn as they make love.  J/C, and it isn't NC-17!

Not-So-Fair Haven
What should have happened in the episode "Fair Haven."  A barfight, a confession, and... well, i can't tell you the whole story!  You have to read it for yourself.   Most definitely J/C.

Peeping Tom, Shroy Tuvok
Tom  Tuvok  Seven  Chakotay  the Doctor  Harry  B'Elanna  Neelix  Kathryn
After Janeway and Chakotay go on another ill-fated away mission, Chakotay tells Kathryn how he really feels.  Will Kathryn push him away more?  Or will she finally confess her love?  Each part is told from the unique perspective of a member of Voyager's senior staff.  J/C, T/P, 7/D (or is that S/D?  A/D?)


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since stardate 01092.1.

source ~ Area 47 ~ geekns47@gmail.com
Star Trek Voyager, Captain Kathryn Janeway,
and the crew of the starship Voyager
are the property of Viacom and Paramount Pictures.

The stories and poems that are featured on this page
have been written by Kristine Senko.

Title font for Area 47 is inspired by the font on the cover of
Bantam Doubleday Dell's Yearling Book
Alien Secrets by Annette Curtis Klause
and was created by Kristine Senko (a.k.a. Fire Angel and Star in Void).

Area 47 is an original compilation of the infamous Area 51 and the number forty-seven
(a number that is often associated with Star Trek... See B'Elanna's Trek Trivia).
If you see it anywhere else, that person either ripped it off from me
or didn't know i had already used it (great minds think alike).