9 Days Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four Day Five Day Six Day Seven Day Eight Day Nine ~ Escape Voyager's captain and crew are kidnapped. Will they be able to escape? And why is the Captain acting so strangely? J/C, T/P (Torres/Paris)
Best Captain
The Bunnies Song
If I Miss, I Get to be Captain
My Gift to You
My Husband with the Coffee Eyes
My Wife with the Champagne Shoulders
Not-So-Fair Haven
Peeping Tom, Shroy Tuvok |
source ~ Area 47 ~ geekns47@gmail.com
Star Trek Voyager, Captain Kathryn Janeway,
and the crew of the starship Voyager
are the property of Viacom and Paramount Pictures.
The stories and poems that are featured on this page
have been written by Kristine Senko.
Title font for Area 47 is inspired by the font on the cover of
Bantam Doubleday Dell's Yearling Book
Alien Secrets by Annette Curtis Klause
and was created by Kristine Senko (a.k.a. Fire Angel and Star in Void).
Area 47 is an original compilation of the infamous Area 51 and the number forty-seven
(a number that is often associated with Star Trek... See B'Elanna's Trek Trivia).
If you see it anywhere else, that person either ripped it off from me
or didn't know i had already used it (great minds think alike).